June 8. Competing with the strong Ine sum. vacation- . 76W U UURUIII DJgvee WUieveaflo Lake Shore Atbletic club and Me- dinah club squads, the girls won W five of the seven races, took sec- .. . . . . .. . . ..lW,.%MflS.I onds in -the other two, and second__ and third in'the di ving .contest..They ~« also -shattered two records. High scorer of the evening. was i Miss, Eckert Who woni the 40, .1009 and 220-yard free style events, breaking the record for the latter event by fine and: one-haif seconds. Her new mark, is 2:45. She. also took.,second inthe 100-yard back- stroke and Zin the 100-yard breast- stroke events.. The amnazng young.5 athlete then climaxed ,her rexnark- i Éble performance by, swimming the free style leg. i the- medley relay a nd anchoring the free style team. Shawnee won second places in these events. Lois Wenzel, youthful all-around ... ances mark her as an Olympie pros- pect, also made a fine showing. She .. won the 100-yard backstroke event .... with a record-breaking 1:,18.7, shav- ngfour seconds off the old markç, ........... which incidentafly was lier own. She........ was third in the 220, and also in --- ........ the 100-yard breaststroke which was won by Dorothy Schiller, another.......... Shawnee swimmer. Since Miss Eckert took second here, the team came in 1-2-3. Shiawnee divers, Barbara Ramser and -Virginia Fitzgerald, ten-year- ...... ... old marvel, took second and third, V respectively, in the lowboard fancy diving. Barbara also scored pioints in the 100-yard free style event, tak- ing fourth place. Betty Bowman broke into the scorîng column by taking fourth in the backstroke fcvent., WINS SCHOLARSHIJ' Miss Mary Rodgers of Louisville, Ky., was a weekend guest of her aunt, Mrs. Eugene A. Ederer, .139 Linden avenue, prior to entering t- Nçrthwestern sun'irer school. MisVl 0ýe- Rodgers will take a four-week journ- Oý ' alism. course for which she lias just been awarded- a sclilarship ia xaýtP %eae ec atj natiori-wirie contest open to high 4 mli sstç scio eniors. X %t u sch ot * ott.t --e- t%0-«11- t.e- br-t' ,sxi oe e 1 -PbýI att t t- ta%% 1 tl tet-'t.tt t, ktt ttae s t totPtce t t .0'i.z e tp ox t biet5_0tMt t -t t- t t&t - -t-'Stttee t -t-t~ w,,w4.riu mIMA P AL