parades, poster maing, low organ- ized games, picnics, hde* shoes,. volley bail,. soft bal;, baslletry, -sand rnodeling, beàd work ,ànd ýraffia novielties.. There is no charge for activities, except for materiais used. Plan Spbecial ,Events T7he program willi aiso--feature n-any. special events which include a trip to both the, Cub and Sox bail p;ark, !Brookfield Zoo, Field Mu- seéum and Forest Preserves. Story-teiiing for the younger chil- Idren wili be an everyday' feature at, al 'playground*s. The Village-wide events will stant off with the the last week of June and wiIl be foilowedby the. poster contest,- track meet, ping pong tournament, and tennistourna- ment. Softball Leagues nhe playgroiind softball an~d kick bail leagues wil be conducted as follows: Boys and girls senior soft bail league Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.' Junior girls kick bail and Junior boys soft baIl leagues Thursdays at 10: 30 a.rm. Register at the Village Green, Vattmnan park or stoip Piayground Monday, June 19. The piayground wiil be open every day, except Sun- day, from 9 a.m.- to 51P.r. ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUES The K. o! C., last year's cham- pions of the Wilmette Playgrouiid and Recreation board's adult soft bail league, iost their third straight game to the Pandas 21-19. The Casa, Lomas made it two straight when they took the River Inn into camp, 18 to 12. Ed Richard's Carpet's broke into the win coluxnn when -. .* Marnet i..af10i tn 5. Good Sports Record Northwestern university's athletic teames compiled a highly successful record in competition.with Big. Ten, teams* dulring the past school year, winning 34 contests, losing 31, an& tying,:two.. Their record againit al teams was' 45 victories, 49 defeats and two ties. team brought the,,Wild- cats their oniy Big Ten tities, win- ning both the. team -and individual, championships. Chase Fannon. a sophomore, won the' individual. title with a 72, holeoe of 295 to dis- place his teammate, Sid Richardson, .who:finished second with 298. North- Wegtern's teamf total of 1,197 was 29 strokes1 ahead of Michigan, the runner-up, .which finished with 1,226.. Ani. these things and, others that you wiii suggest can 6e done at the Northwestern university. Sum- mner* Work-Shop conducted at Logan school-. between- the, hours 9 and, 11:30 A.M.- Children from '5 years to 12 yearsof age will be accepted. The session is from June 26 to Au- gust 4. A ýmodest fee wii be. collect- ed to pay for necesgary supplies. AN D1LAMATIC SOLE Like aIl comediennes, ýZaSu Pitts has pined to be dramatic;.' but un- Fencers Are Chamnps Ernory Naylor of the fencing team brought the Wildcats another idi- vidual title, FU won both the Big Ten and national intercoliegiate epee chaznpionships. The Northwestern epee team of Nayior, Clifford -and Groh and Gordon Rosberg, tied with Seton Hall for the mntercollegiate team championship. The tennis team, which placed second in the Big Ten standings, compiled the best dual meet record o! the year, winning 10 matches and losing two. The only defeats were basebail tearn wnichn U1 even con- ference games and iost five to place fourth in the coriference., Last YearI the Wildcats flnished last with four victories against eight losses. Seven o! the ten teams finished~ above the .500 per cent mark i Big Ten comrpetition. They were golf tennis, football, baseball, basketbaîl, wrestling and water polo. -The Big Ten record for the year Pr.tçct your shmbs end Law@ fra as..ts--N@WI Nicotine Su lrhate SoluiSon. The world' edn nicotie brand, forkIllhing phis, thrips, leafhoppersan simi-' lar insects. Besides beig a contact poison, many lnsectS die from the fumes. Drive ont THE MODEN GAS RANGE uiotely NhweAmazingly Differont> Wins, IG.t.. 's au.-s L - There is room inilte league for Wl ile' we more teams and any person or group deck a big interested ini enterlflg a team ilte us. -. Max ILeague m iay do. so b.e seeing Miss grade, Laure ye boat went past 0F N0O'IHN IWRSý rooM.cel isecntuu >KIE~*>r 0 4)ltrlitgi Afi 1-94 HENRY Pý K RA N S Z COMPANY