Commencement e xe r c ises at Joseph Sears publie sehool, Kenil- worth, will be held Friday after- noon, June 16, at 2:30 o'clock in the Kenilworthb Memorial gym- nasiurn. The graduation. programn is an- nounced as follows: -i1nvocation....Dr. Herbert L. WlUett Songs <a> KeeplUs Free........ Seean (b) Fair Wlnd and Weather ......... ... ......... Mexcan *Polk Song Sevenîth and Eighth Grades Presentation ýof Class Gift Don Royce,* President of the Class of '39 Acceptance of Class Gift Willoughby Goodsmith, Representative of the Class of 1940 Songs (a) Go Down, Moses... Negro Spiritual (b) Water Boy.Ne'* 4gro Work Song Boys' Corus (c) Morning ... .Peer Gynt-Suite -Grieg Seventh and Eighth Grades (d) March of the Sardar. ........... .. ........... Ippolitow lwanow ïlghth Grade Peentation of4l~1as of 1939 Mr. E: L. 1ygaard, SuperlntIndent Presentation of Diplomas Mr. George H. Rigler, Member of the Board of Education Songs <a) Tales from the Vienna Woods. ... ............ Johann Strauss, Jr. (b) Evenlng Prayer- Hansel and Gretel .. . .Hurnperdlnck Gilrls' Glee Club Befledctlon....... Dr. Herbert L. WilUett Herman Barker Seely, the compo- ser of the openi*ng song, "Keep Us Free," is the grandfather of one of the pupils of the Joseph Sears school, *Marcia Seely~. He will be present at the graduation. The 1939 gradua tes, are listed as follows: Frances Becker. Lucifle Beeker, MarY Clare Beglen. Lucius W. Brlgham, Jr., George R. U. Burg, Samuel E. Campbell, E. Allan Claar, Margery Ann Cody. Shir-' ley Carolyn Cooter. Milford H1. Davis, John W. Darley, Jr., Beverly Darling, Elizabeth J'ane Dillllng, Robert Dormitzer. Edward Eggert, WilliamTÏ0. Feeleyi Eleanor Feltman. James R. Fifnnîgan. Hollànd L. FlaHavhani Arthur. R. Foss, Richard L. Foss. *Robert Getschow, 'Henry 'E. Greene, Davi T. ubbins. RollandI, V. HiMer. Broadwiay Studio Horace, A. 'Youngù, 1337 Green- uogd avenue, Wilmtte, tvas electecr presidenit of the Unioer-' site, of Chicago Law> Sehoot asso- ciation last Tueaday- evening at the organizat ion's annuai dinner at Hutchinson Commons on the campus. The Law School association is the national organization of law gradu- ates of the University of Chicago and includes among its members many noted lawyers, judges and government officials. The dinner was featured by an address by Thurmnan Arnold, Assist- ant Attorney General o! the United States in, charge of enforcemnent of the anti-monopoly laws. The occa- sion also marked the retireinent of Dean JIarry A., Bigelow as dean. of the Law school, and the introduction of. Prof. Wilbur G. Katz -as the new dean. Native of Arkansas Mr. Young, the new president, who has resided in Wilmette since 1934 when he purchased a home at 1337 Greenwood avenue, is a native )f Nashville, Howard county, Arkansas. He received the Bachelor of Arts degree from Hendrix college in 1921, and the Juris Doctor degree from the University of Chicago in .1924, and hias beeni engaged in active practice VllageCleirk St Registration Ilours Village Clerk Nicholas P. Miller jg i*s ia regisering votes in the~ permanent registration, and will continue so to do froni now until October 2.' Persons desfrmng hi reg- ister mfay do so at the clerk's of- fice in the Village hall between9 and 11: 30, a.m. .Mr. Miller states that for the con- venience of those who cannot ap- pear during the above heurs, he will take registrations at his home i the. evening, w~hen appcintnients are made li advance by telephone or otherwise. The telephone nurnber is- Wilniette 2996. CARS COLJJ»E Friday evening 0. F. Reed o! Chi- cago. driving north on Sheridan road, came fite collision near the Michigan avenue intersection, with a car being driven south on Sheri- dan road by Herbert H. Joseph, Jr., also of Chicago. Mrs. Bella Gaert- ner, riding with Joseph, received head Injuries. P., H. Krietz, in the nAing (-rnurscayJ Am commencementWU exercises beginnlng at .8 p l n. Leslie Freerman Gates gyminauluni. The program will last an hour and there will bè no speaker. The ceremoxiies will opée wth theý processional of -the entire dlass. This will-be followed with the ulng-. ing of "America"l and the Invoca- tion by Dr. Herbert.L. Wflett of e"nilworth Union church. choir WU Biuff "me school choir,' under the di- rection ofMrs. Adelalde Jones Brad- burn, >of the music departmnent, wil sinig three numbers: "Lost ln" the Night," by' Christiânsen, - "Blue Bird," arranged by Max Irone, and "Sing We and Chant t,' by Mor- ley. The dlass glft is to be presented will be accepted by John P. Biall- man, president of the board of edu- cation. Next, Supt. Matthew Page Gaff- ney is to present the dlams and the diplomas will be awarded by Mfr. Ballinan and Mrs. Sherman Aldrich, member of the board. The reces- sional will foilow. The school orchestra, directed by Mrs. Marian Cotton, is to play. It will be- the 39th annual commence- nment of -the schbo3.. 8swiie1r Prmnts Each inenber. of the senior, class has been given three reserved seat tickets for parents and relatives. Non-ticket hoilders. will be seated in unz'eserved seats at the back of the main floor and i the balconies. The complete list of New Trier graduates will be found elsewhere ini this issue.