15LTN54tp MOTOlI MOWER Cb. DIST. (New machines n stock) ALL MAKES P O W ER MACHINES 1servioed or taken in trade. IlIew -ex- tra smooth cutting" hand mowerà Iii stock. PAVLIIC BROS. KENILWORTH, 5672 15LTNq3-4 FURNITURE: SPRAYING' Also w4cker furniture and refrigerators. We use Iaequer-Winite*gc 3185. j5LTN44tp Machine, Work, Lathe Work. METAL. & WOOD- WELDING,, -RAZý ïgsiver. spldering; wood working- of alik inis. Reas. 102 Park Ave. GIencoe PICTURE FRAMES IREPAIRED R regilded. 011 pantings restored. For estmates. Phone UmverFsity 0770. 15LTN4Otfe 20. BUILDING AND ONTRACTIrIe MASON. STONE *& CEMENT ÇQntractor THOMAS MEYER 2101 Schiller Ave., Wilmette 1778 I ~ ~larly, too, to forestali the attack of time;-rnay we sug- gest a prompt beauty treat- ment through the aid of the skilled l.abor listed in our. SERVICE columins. Free :estimates, excellent suggestions and moderate pice r ffered by these advertisers. This Page Is. Your. Service Page 28 PAiNTirNG AND DECORýATING EXPERT DECORATING. NEAT, CLEAN HIGH GRADE>PAINT-- ing and decorating in ail its branches. 1neâe. prices. References. Jos,. Zack Wilmette 1925l 25LTN5-4tp PAINTING & DECORA TING ]DURKOOP IDECORATING SERVICE Winnetka 710 25LTN31-tIc JOHN HEYNE & SON PA»nTING AND DECORATING FREE ESTIMATES WD<NNETKA 3579 25LTN4-4tn EUGENE DURKÇOOP rES, 325 Washington Glencoe 1512 uclç 25LTN4-4tp for Pedersen Decorating Co. FIRST CLASS WORK. FUL.LY INSU1RED. WINNEZCA ~ 25LTN4-4tp 54 LAWN M>WIER SHARPENIIIGa LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED -D ON .Ideal Sharpener. 75ecâcsh and carry. Cail and deliver, $l.25. Phone Wilmette 744. Shopbaicklo 415 Green, Bay rd. 'Wilmette. S4LTN6ltn 60 PIANO TuNlNG PIANO TZ'UXING AND REPAIRING. AUl Work Guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie . Wilmette 822 TUNER, WILàMETTE PUB. SCHOOl£ . 6OLTX4-4t%, FECPEIRT PIANO TUN»IG $2.50 with cleaning AVEnue 6427 12 eri'ýxp Magnus. Go enywlftre Steinway Sch. Work Guaranteed *6OLTN64tp 69 REPAIRING AND REFINISHING Refinasbing of Fine Furniture Pianos, etc., eithel2 natural, bleached or' Worl intesh"eor eci Atinetl pard insh" & clsecalt.aiet work of high quality. Reproductions of antiqu~es, aiso fumiiture repairing. Call us for free estimates. TIIE VIAGE WOOD SHOP 1238 Central Ave. . Wilnette 23M INSURIANCE. 1al 'kinids, Life. Accent, Automobile, Fire. CasualtY. Iàabllity,. JOSEPH P. COLLIGAN Real Est ate, Notary. Public, Insurnce 558 Green. Bay Road W=n.1700 VIOLINS WILLý PAY 45.00 FOR SUITAFLE VIO. lin Wrte Box 21, Glencoe. Ill. à9L6ltp 10 EXCELLENT GRAND PIANOS -FOÔR sale; inci. 3 Steinways and Chickering. Wil sa1crifice. Storage Mart in Iredale Storage, 1 723 Benson Ave.e, Evanston. 59LTN6-1itp WLËL PAY CASH for your discarded musical instruments. 13 flat Clarinets, Saxophones, Trum- pets, drumi sets. Cali Gre. 0707, from 1 t? 6.:. m-S5LT.NStp. HOLTON TRUMPET, LATE -MODEL. PracticallY lnew, perfect condition, Sac- ritice at $35 . Ph. Wilmette 4604. I9LTN6ltp 72 UPHOLSTERING AND UEPAIRS ARE YOU LOOJCING FOR AleX RUpee? For repairing, upholstery work, also antiques. Custom work. Wlmette 4034 1827 Wilmette Ave, 72L'rNb.itp M o deinit IcCeoelu 3D9 l7th St. PLASTERf Stucco repairs, ri G. A. Thursby, Rnisheii FLOWERS.A PSENICKA. 813 Hibbard Roa 42 LAST 78LZ DTABLES. JUNE SPECIALS. WILCOX & rHOUSE . electrics, portables, consoles; ale Wilmette, Ill. heads. Other makes Iow as $5. 41LTN3.4tj> Shore Sew. Mach. Exchange, 1114 Uni. 5525. 73LI G SNG ER, WHITE, OTHER Mi I foot -or: electric. -Expert fua. MISSES CLOTHINcQ, DRESSES, SOME ,2 piece, formai, sizes 14-16, skirts, sizèes 12-16, Practicaliy new. Will sel yery rea- sonable. Phone Wilmette 5098. 8OLTN6-Itp SUMMER DRESSES, SEVERAI, HAND kuit; size 16. Ail very good condition. -Very reasonable. Wilmette 2152. . Co. -*im£iw1'nngs mructio i. jmornlugs a wei 52LN34pIWilmette 2971, otiler ai .50., Jane ENCED, ST lE Mis.lm- Evanston ~tis.5 ree Gari aethans, D)AVis 2233 .TNO.îtp 4tp 1-7 ~EY urt42»0 -TRi-ttc 1 ý M,