xxuiv for uis o .seic, a rr-tou Miss, Marie Briel, organist-direCtor, Wifl be as follows: Organ Preude: "'Festival Prelude"............Faulkes -Fountairi Reverie" ..........Fletcher Introit: "*astý Thy Bruden". Meéndelssohn Anthem: "Thou. 0. Lord, Art. My hed........ .......... Stevenson Offertory by the Quartette: *«Our, Master Baâth -a Garden".........Crimip Organ Postlude: "Toccata...... vry The Sunday Vacation Church . chool wlll ýopen next Sunday morning at 9:30 o'cloick. This is somiething niew for chul- dren fromh pre-sehool to high school age.ý and will be heid fromh 9:30 to .10:45' o'cloek for six weeks. There will be gamnes, stories,, handcraft. music, Bible. and worship. Horace A. Younlg will, be the supierintendent and Mrs. Erskine M. Jeffords, the cirector. There wîhl be *a speelal staff. of helpers. The choir meets for rehearsal tonight (Thursday> at 8 oeclock sharp -in the Junor rooxn. T1his will be the last re- heia'of the season t - ext Sud morning marks the close of the choir season for this year. Every member is urged to be present. The Methodist Social Union banquet will be held at the DesPlaines camp grounds June 27. Dr. Georgia Harkness will speak. Reservations should be made immedlately with Mr. Horace Young (Wilmette 4761) or the, church office. Our Girl Scout troops have losed their regular meetings for the summer. Firsi Presbyterksn Nlnth street at Greenleaf avenue Jamnes T. Veneklasenç, minister. The minister will preach at the morni- ing :worship service at Il o'cloék on the theme. "The Fountain of Liberty." We cordially.,invite ýyou'to worship with us. Prélude Cantabile ..........Wdor Solo "I Wll Lift Up Mine Eyes' . ............Stoughton Ethel Wîshover Offertory Solo " Love Neyer Fàileth-..............Root Postlude-Finale ...........Franck Through July for five Sundays we wor- ship with our neighbors jn. the Baptist church. Dr., Hindleyý will. be gue9t- preacher in their .pulpît and. the con- gregations unite for the Comnmunity Sumn- mer- service which has been a Successful practice for the past* ten years. He will alsn hé the resident, pastor -at;the ealu of both parishes. Several of our young..people, includiig, Barbara Burge. Muriel Craig, and Ruth Mestjian wvill attend the Summerý Student conference, July 5-12, at- Tower Hill., Mich. Holy Comforter (Episcopal) Kenilworth avenue anid Warwick road. Leland H. Danforth, rector. 9:30 A.M.-Holy Communio. ' Brief sermon-Dr. Perey V. Norwood., Durlng the rector's summer holiday. the Rev. A. H. Forster, 815 Ridge ter- race. Evanston, <Gre. 3214) will be on call, in case of emergeiicy. Every Sunday afternoon in July and August, fiom 4 until 5 o'clock. Virginia Knapp Collins, organist, will broadcast an organ recital from the Memorial Singing Tower and Sunday mornings at 9 o'clock. she will play the chimes. S$unday. June 25, the Philander Chase Guild will. hold an afternoon tea . and (Espisclal Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector Rey. Chandler Sterling. curate SATURDAY. JUNE 24 St. John the Baptist Day & a.iin. Holy Communion SUNDAY, JUNE 25 Third Sunday after Trinity, 8 a.in. Holy Communion .a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon Bible Chuirch 886 Ulm street, Winnetka. Hoxard A. Hermansen, minister FRIDAY, IUNE 23 8 ..Tache.r training, class. 8P.M.-ibleFellowghiP prayer rmeet- ing SATUIRDAY, JUNE 24 8 P.M.ý-The Lake Shore Young People's Fellowship wlll ýcond1uct, its monthly tally., in addition Wo an interesting. musical programi and testlimofies by Christian yý.oung people, Charles Ber. nardi of Highland Park, -a chemnist, %wilI speak. SUNDAY, JUNE 25 9:45 A.M.-Bible school. Il1 A.M-Preachiig. service. Expositions from Paul's letter to the Ephesians. 5, P.M.-Bible Fellowship group. Pro. gram, in charge of Myrtie Bostwick. 5 P.M.-Christian Crusaders. Rudtable Sdiscussion . 7:30 P.M.-Organ Meditatios-H-arriet Lindahl. 7:45 PM.-Congregational singing, choir and gospel message. The Vacation Bible school, whlch be- gan with- such a splendid enrollment this week. will continue through next week, meeting each morning fromn 9 to 12. The school will close on Friday June 30. Special exercises by the pupils and exhibition of manual work will be given Thursday night, June 29 at -8 o' dock. Wilmette Baptist Wilmette and For-est Avenu~es George D. Allison, minister During July, this pulypit will be oc- cupied by Dr. John G. Hlindley for united worship of Congregational and Baptist groups. This custom of years standing is mutually acceptable and ensures a resîdent minister througrhout the vaca- tion, season. *n4e, f,5sing 1 Churc±b school convenes. at 9:45 o'élock. Our Chmrch school will continue through- ou.t'the sumnmer months. During* July and Augustý the school will convene at. 9:30. o'clock. Attend our Service of. worship next Sun- day mnorning at il o'clock.. ,Yo6urweek will be more -joyous. 1During the months of July and August, we will hold two Services each Sunday morning, the. eçariy service at 8:30 o'clock i Church school ýat 9:30ù and the second service at il'1o'clock' These sev itCes are for your. convenience. Worship before your day's outîng! Myde HopkinsPup«l "Wil . Present Recital Pupils of Myrtie M. Hopkins will present a mhusicale Sunday, June 25. at 4 o'clock, a.t- the Wilmette Masonic temple'1010 Central avenue. The pubý- lic is invited. The program will be- given as follows: Cooing Dove..................... Orth Billie Hes The Buzzing Bumble Bee ... .. Spaulding Ann Hinternhoff March of the Bees ............. Hopkins Bobby Riemenschneider Hop, Skip, and Jump............ Peerv Jacquelyn Leomon: Clirnbing ................. Macachlan John Lindsay Off to the Hillîs......... ... MacLachlan Dorothy Lutter The Pixies' Good Night Song Brown Pete Lindsay Wood Nymph's Harp ............ ..Rea Gwyneth McClelland TPhe Blaqk Forest Clock.......... Heins Bill L tter The G4Aant Xnight ........... Dutton Nan~cy Porter in the Robbers' Car.............. Te'rry .Frank Mangin Idy-Vl . . . . . ... . .K r Ynnrt et Cielland.......er Wintry Wînd ................. Lemont Rowland Brailsford Avalanche ..................... Heller Joan Hess HahrRose..............Lange Joan aai The: Rising Sun........... Torjussen Roy-ce Rowe Navellette in, D minor....... Goodrich, 1Ahnn'Lawrence The Shepherhs' Evp ini, qnd M-1