atn d. Carlos.Phoito Doriss Briggs, harpiat, of Chi- ca go, until recently a resident of Wlmette, has been - illing nu-, merous solo and trio engage- ments, and playing - for clubs, .or ganizations and weddings. Miss Brig*gs is the daughter of Mrs. Harry Daniel Briggs (Dorothy Bell Brig gs), the composer and musician, rmrly of 336 Sheri-~ dan road, Wilmette. On June 13, Miss Briggs played in a concert which the De Paul Symn- phony orchestra gave at Thorne Hlall under the direction of Richard C'zer-, wonky. and the preceding Sunday was a member of the string trio appea ring in a ben efit programn at the Stevens hotel, the proceeds goiflg to Jewish refugees. MOVE TO CHICAGO Mrs. Harry Daniel Briggs (Doro- th y Bell Briggs) lier daugliter, Car- oie and Doriss, and lier mother, Mrs. William Finney Williamson, former residents of 336 Sheridan road, movedfrom Wilmette recent- ly and are now rnaking their home at 1120 Lake Shore drive, Chicago. Public SAFE for DAY:S Makes. Ht .Weather Meals.Es t repare Scsves Time-Scaves Work-Saves Mony-$.. t Nowl I ,Iliinois