mhe iawtnorn Farm Daîry are now operating as a unit. Under the new arrangement, whereby the faiities of the twc well known independent-dairies sup- plying the. North~ Shore a r e aare combined, to bet- *ter ser ve. an In.- creaLing clien- tele, the concern has nâmed' M. C. Tîbbetts, as gen- e r ali superinten- dent. MXr. Tib- betts founded, the Mellody PFarins, years ago and. is nationally known M. C. TIbbetts ini the dairy in-, dustry. T.he thoroughly modemn plantl of the Hawthorn-Mellody Farms dairy is located at Skokie Highway and Claveyý road, just west of Highlan~d cated in various North Shore towns, including the station at 417 Greefi Bay road, Wilmette. Manufacture Ice Cream . A popular feature of the newly established concern is an ice cream and soda bar near the plant on Skokie Highway where ice cream made at the plant is sold at retail. Featured here, also, is a "Pienic w-. ttion-MveuOdy .varms dairy obtains milk from a' prize herd of 80 hoîstein cattle at the Hawthorn Parm north of Libertyville. At the farm, formerly' the famous Insuil estate, John F.- Cuneo, the new owxier, stages frequent horse shows that have attracted nation- wide attention. The public is ini- vited to inspect the farm and its. facilities at any time, Mr. Cuneo 'states.' I- the American yited xo these. Banking associa- Holds Boat, Mart tion. T h i s will The movies. are bein g shown ini be his s e co nd conjunction with the Nort hr tem hee. BoatMart which is takung place, atý mir.: and Mrs. the, garage durung' the salme week.iL Anderson motor- Tiiere will be, colored films of the ed e a st. While International Star Boat races at he 'isbusy with Havatia, motionpitrs fth sehool dooMu t iners, NtioalFrot ite Dinghy r aces at 1. & And PotoMr .Aneao ocoanut Grove, Miami, and the, F.ILAneronw i 11i accompany feature, picture iÊ, entitled, "You Can friendsý on a visit of rnteresting Always Trust a Lifeguard." poits log te estcoat~Also during, this . week the Evin- For Batk omeers rude. trailer will stop at the station An advanced school for batik offi- Wîth an interesting, display of out- cers,, the, Graduate* School of Bank' board motors. ing is attended by 600 batik officers Nautical Exhibit from ail' sections of the country. eehitoni cnctnwii E'ach year approximately 200 new Theexhbti SonrenBot Mationwiin students enter the school and 200 h othSoeBotMr wl n batik oficers ar e g radated' upon tueaSattlsCre alôt completion of the course, which con- Kingfisher utility runabout motor sists of intensive two-week resident boat, a 'Mead' ki-yak, outboard mo- sessions at Rutgers university for tors, a twelve foot sailing dinghy,1 thre sucesiveyeas ad to yarsand many other nautical exhibits. of extension work at home under the1 supervision of- the faculty of the Agriculture, named below. Applica-r school. The writing of a suitable tions must be on file in the commis-0 thesis is also required for gradu- sion's office, Washington, D.C., not I ation. later than July 17. 1r The work of the school covers a Senior field aid (forage crops), $2,000' broad range of practicalsubjects in a year, assistant laboratory aid (plantC commercial banking, investments, tehology, $1,620 a er junior field aid, i 1-- -.-- 1,40a ear, junio a r atr i 14n i mv Iclas the r. Anderson is a member of!t ;s of 1940 and will graduate end of next' summer's terni. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS The United States Civil Service' commission has announced open conipetitive examinations for cer- tain positions in the Departmerzt o! aminr,. 2,00 'a .. . e --.crease, iu was annouinced this week cultural Econiomics. For the associate at the offices o! the Ford Motor corn- grade applicants must not have passed pany. Reports' from dealers throug- their 45th, for the assistant grade they out the United States showed sales must not have passed their 40th, an~d for during the first 10 days of June the junior grade. they must flot have passed their 35th, birthday.. were 18,917, an increase of 59 per- Full information may be obtauned cent over the same period a year fromr the secretary o! the U. S. Civil ago. .Sales 'o! used cars for the 10- Service Board of, Examiners, at the' day period were up 20 per cent over local most office. last year. .Thne sleeper i s used throughout -the new floor :of studio -living I roomis al; the ho-: tel, designed toij ".meet the trendi o f modnn Ii v ing."Nebidoff Photo Mr. 'Steffen is ROY Steffen managing director of the, busy.Bis- Imarck hotel most of the timne., Part of the time he, is piresident. of the Greater Chicago Hotel association and a sUces3fûl -inventor. Re.cent- Iy he concluded,,several years of designing by perfecting a new bed which may well revolutionize the hotel industry because it transforms. every hôtel bedroom into a spacious living room during the day. Mr, Steffen believes in using bis, ownà inventions. The Bismarck Sleeper resembles an expensive davenport ini design but opens simp- ly intQ a comfortable standard bed. "I believe this bed goes a long way to solve the problem for hôtel meni who want to enhance the value and beauty of rooms which for so many years have been inere bed- rooms,- said Mr. Steffen. "Today the guest warits a room where he cati entertain friends without crowd- ing,; a 'room with breathing and el- -1