Underwood and Underwood Following their woedding .Satur- day mortïng, June, 10, Mre and Mrs. Robert W. Burke left for Estes Park Çolo., jfrom iohich they- w41l rettrn to make thir home on Junetvay terrace in Chicago. The bride, the for- mer Kathleen Bernice Reisner, is the daughter of Mr. 'and' Mrs. George R. Reisner, of Wlmette, the bride groom is the son of Ralph ' H. Burke of Evanston. The men in the wedding part y, wh ose namea were inadvertently omitted lalst wveelc, were George Reisrer, Jr., best man, and Wil- liam Roberts and John Crowley; tushers. Iast Tuesday i hnor of Mrs. F. W. Niergarth of San Diego, Cal., and Mrs. Henry G. Zander of Bar- rington. Mrs. Niergarth is the mother of Mrs. Henry G. Zander, Jr., of. Kenilworth. wilbe' followed by a wedding breakf$ast., Trhe yoùni couple. are going to Washington, D. C., Fredericksburg, and Williamsburg, Va., on their wed- ding trip, and will attend the'fair, in New York before returning to the North Shore. by way -of'Canada and Niagara Falls. Miss Grose has just received her master's,,degree I bacteriology and blochemnistry at the University of Pennsylvania., Mr. Weldonii s astu- dent at Northwesterni law school. I ~'iuiuIIImIIIIîgIIgoIIImImnmgiIggumiiug:tIIuuiiuiIgumIumtugmioIuuuiiiIIuiIiuumgu mdq~9mnLdq-d~ /Lk h TOUÂT »ïË 1-SIG CIuildl.Beautiful, Contei Have yo'u entered your yet in the North Shor reniain. Children jrom Baby- hood Io. Ten Yeara. Luncheon for Mothers Mrs. Henry G. Zander, ware Tixne is growing short. This big contest officially closes Saturday, July 1. There is no red tape.. issued. Çammer nnuu'umuuuflmnuiflnhIiIIIIuuIIIIII wIIImuImInhuuIII ,imnunhiImhumumuhI child as es own i k J'