From North Shore With Ravinia's gala opening only a week away, the campaign to sel coupon books for the fourth season of symphony will be highlighted Fni- day, June 23, by a Ravinia,Fashion. show to be held at Mairshall Field's, tea roomns in thé loop. Sorne of, the North Shore's love- iiest willi odel costumes in a bu liant previeèw of the styles which will be ýseen at Ravmhia in the six- .week sea son opening Trhursday, June It is well known, that Ravinia's tradition, as America's finest sum- mer sanctuary of music is rhvalied only by the park's reputation of the * pace-setter in thefa shion world., The -Ravinia Fashion modeis will * show costumes that range from sports attire seen on Sunday after- noon pienies at Ravinia to the formai goQwns worn PX pre7* sim iner par- ties on Thursday, Frjday, and Sa'i- urday concert evenings. Those who will model include Kit- ty Lawrence, daughter of Mrs. Sam- uel D. Rowe of Barri>igton; Helen May Bryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. ýBryan, Jr., o! Lake Forest; Susanna Allen, dauglh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. -C. Durand Ai- < len of! Winnetka, Fiances Orcutt, daughter o! Dr. and Mrs. Dwight.C. Patronesses include Mrs. A. Wat- son Armour, III, Baroness fleck von Peccos, Mrs. Charles S. Dewey, Jr., Mrs. Wlnston Elting, Mrs. Ed- gar Stanton, Jr., Mrs. Byron S. Har- vey, Jr., and Mrs. Prentice Porter. The fashion show, for which there is no admission charge, will be heid at noon and again at 1:15 o'ciock. Win Womnen's Golf Events A-L KI-ai L-- tI.L chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta who will attend the regioiial convention at'the Golfrmore hotel, Grand Beach, Mich., from âmne 25-28, are Mrs. WLard T. Grimm, at the lef t, and Mra. H. A. Morriaon. Mrs, Grimm, whose home ia in Kenlworth, ia prealdent of District il, and Mrs. Mor- rîson, a Winnetkan, ta pro gram chairman for the convention. Sunset Ridge Setties Intç' Reg .ular Stride *Saturday afternoon bridge wil be the attraction for women of the club, with-Mrs. C. G. Bennett ini charge, and Saturday night another inform- ai dance wil occur, with Freddy Daw's orhestra-..providing the mu- Sic. Tuesday-, June 27, feminine golf- Plan Garden Party to Honor British Conductor Htorace W. Armstrong in Winnetka Monday, June 26. 'Miss Jean .Armstrong, one of the directors o! the English-Speaking union, wvill be hostess and the com- mittee for the occasion includes Du.. rand Smith and Thomas I. Under-. Wood. ýn's season 'of losed iast week ating at' which vitieà h an .isC. Meeting June 25-28 Members of the Evanston and North Shore Alumnae chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta who will attend the regional convention:at the Golf- mo re hot el. Grand Beach, Mich.. from June 25 to June 28,, are Mrs. Leslie A. Wood, of Evanston, presi- dent of the local grou p Who will serve as, delegate, and also act as convention secretary;, Mrg. Willard T. Grimm, of Kenilworth, president. of District II. whowill preside'over one dlay's business session; Mrs. H. A. Morrison, of Winnetka, program chairm an for the. convention;. Mrs. D. Bligh Grasett, of Winnetka,- for-, me r grand president: and Mrs, Arthur O. Klauser, of Evanston, al- umnae advlsor to Tau chapter at Northwestern. *Miss Janet Wagner is to be the delegate fromn Tau chapter. Other ieorthwestern tIhetas who will at- tend are Jeanne Grasett and Made- line Long of Winnetka;, Barbara Trumi,, Kenilworth; Dorothy Wheel- er, Evanston; Marjorie Moulton, Helen Osier and Peggy Yundt.', Thetas from fine college chapters and fine alumnae associations in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri will attend the four day convention. Business and round tale discussions will be alternated with sports and socia @jI!1ct~,4ivitc convention. Both Mrs. Thornton and P4rs. Morrison* are Theta alumnae from Butler university. M4oves cf Barat Wil Be Skown a+ Tea Tuesday Life at RBarat CPnl,çsg ,,theGhft a'l e P j'.