for coo comfort $5 They'Il mold your figure perfect- ly. yet theyre so cool-and corn- fortable they feel flike nothng et a 1Il when they're on. The, çjrdie. designed ýespeciaIly for a full figure, has 'the specal Sta-Ur)- Top band that means real com- fort - it's of mesh and lastex. ligFtly boned and open from torD to $0 it's easy tç, get in- to. Alphabet brassiere (B for average, C for heavy bust) of lace, $2. The corselette, designed too for thie fuller figure, is of French vole and lastex comfort- ably but adequately boned and- hoke t the side. Cid c f wtia suit that's bolFi functional and flattering. We've illustrated- three to give you jus-F an idea of the hundreds ocf -grand suits you'II find in our Sport Shop - suifs designeci for an activé ~o~' ei~Je mc. 624Ave., Evanstôn- v 'Inc. 1.624