SS. ORHAMERCAN You'1I b. bound so Ilpend la b 0y- *nt 'Tourth" iyotare :his cruise1 Vasit Midland, Pnetanguishene, Sound on Georgian Bay ...eojoy tw's'tops at Mackinac Iuland, with a gala Cruise Dance during the evening visi Price includesl meals, and bertlinl fats 'de snateroom è~~ on «C' deck 1... $ 95 C.e. S. T. Ci.wa,&gTr~...JArn..>. r anid ýthe near ,!ast. in Europe headquar- ters were in Geneva, Switzeriand, where she was associated witb. the International Baha'ibureau, in the field of International xelationsbips. This bureau, a recognized orga niza- tion by thé League of Nations, con- stituted a signifIcant link between thec.nations, arbitrators and repre- senta,'tives of the Baba'i Faith f or the reconciliation, and oneness of mnankind,. Aid Peace Agencies Workers:in the bureau mingle in the activities of the peace agecs of Geneva and carry on a seëaker's bureau. througb whicb international visitors to the conference speak uni- der Baha'i auspices. Mrs. Bishop bas made an extefld- e4 trip. throJuBJ emaWg Itay, the igan, wnere sne w* on Islam and the Arabie Culture. Té Attend Touth Sesmions A group of young people, also, go- ing to Loubelen this week from Wii- fmette are Sohayl and Barbara Han- rinn, Sara' Hassan., Annamarie Mattoon and Florence Mattoon, who will attend the fi rst of the Youth sessions beginning June 25, and take the courses. on- "Character Build- ing", "Islam", and the "Promise of Ail Agei." A model of the Wilmette Baha'i. H1ouse of Worship is'now being'ex- hibited, for several weeks in the spa- clous lobby of the State Bank and Trust company, Davis street and Orrington avenue, Evanston. Exchibit Severail Models Th'is zwodel,one -of.seea r- duced by the Earley Studios, Ros- lyn, Va., a n d requiring several months of- wôrk by the sculptors of, that plant, is one ininety-sixth the size of the original, is 23 inches high and 27 inches in diameter. These tnodels of the original, whicb was concelved by Louis Bourgeois and incorporates into its structure the Baha'i ideais of universal peace, the unitv of religion and the onenesq The exterior of the House of Wor- ship at Linden avenue and Sheridan road is expected to be completed by 1944, the end of the first Baha'i century. Graduate wiil be unabie to enter bis plane in a huge cair show to be staged next' Sunday at Curtiss field for. smàii planes of 75 liorsepoWer or less He will be on hand, however, to watch amateur flyers who are, exected .to. provide a, "bang-up" performance Mie, young- flyer: excited Much in-. terest among airport. officiais, fiyersE and, newsmen at'the five airports be2 visited with his plane. before his ar- rivai, at the Curtlss port. These men had neyer seen an aviator -so youth- fui fiying a plane al by himiself on a semi-t ranscontinental hop., Dick is the son- of Leonard- James,. Denver Piymouth-Dodge dealèr, who for-' meriy lived -in Evanston while -he was a partner in the -North Shore' Buick company in Winnetka. The father approves of Dick's desire to fiy, hie said, and bougbt bim the trim 'Cessna $6,O pl ~ane at Nvrb~er. He will not be permitted to carry passengers until he is 18, under the new ruling of the Civil Aeronautics authority, mucb to the disappoint-, ment of Mr. James who had expeet- ed to accompany bis son on flights. Dick visited his grandmother two years ago and bas been busy with various eventsý since 'his arrivai, among them the celebration of Grandmother James': b i r t b d a y h.p., wnicn was lent to nam Dy a private flyer. Dick will remain on the North Shore until July 1 and will then re- join bis parents in Denver to spend the rest of bis vacation until fal wben be reenters bigb scbooi as a junior. Frank LaBontes Plan Meyer, 322 Hawtt GZencoe, was gr SWestern college, -,.Taoeday :,vith th Bachfelor of Arts. -degree o i4o1rtawestem uniAKversDIxy Uis A * nS*, Iwhile Mr. Storms wvas awardeda Master of Science degree.>