A white clapboard CaÏpe CeEd- colonial within east walking distance of stores, trains and schis. 6 rms., sun rm. hot water heat, 2 car garage. Wooded loif, 50x200. Easy terms at the prie of $9000 mrakes this a real buy. BRAND NEW FRENCHI COLONIAL O.verlooking the forest preserve. 6 roorns,- 1 % Utle baths, 1 car garage. Air con- ditioned heat. Excellent school, close to trans. Price $10.750, or offer. Also' will rent for $73r Sée these and, many other North Shore properties in our PHOTO. TOUR 0F HOMES. R.. B:WHITAKER 140 Green Bay Rd., Winnetka Winn. 3250 Rogers Park 1,302' 147LTNII-lte bAPPEALING NORMANDY' T Y P E brms. and t re on itsinfloo.cF- fban availandb wit motMyaymeintsw $109 i. taxes a.nd insurance. Price $14,500. QUINLAN & TYSON,'Inc. à84 Lincoln Ave. Wnn. 177 147LTN7-lte OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Attractive small home set among large trees in heart of Htbbard Woodis. * Large iving room wlth unusual fireplace. à oeurooms, sun room and sleeping porch. 011 héat and large garage. For QUICK ACTION out of town owner will consider $8,000, and MAKE TERMS * equivalent to refit., E. SAWYER SMITH EXCL. AGENT 725 Elm St., Wnnetka, Ph. 3500 147LTN7-ltc SELL, OR TRADE DELUXE 2 AP~TS. 5 rms., sun parmor, & sieeping porch cach, with English basement; water heat, oil burner, 2 car. garage; quiet street -north of Foster Ave. * TIGIfE REALTY CO. 521,Fourth St. Wlmette 3005. 147LTN7Itc COLOINIAL HOME'. ý;ee hic attractve 7 room homeat 100 ASTIONISHINC Adorable, fraiy scrnd. pcb.. 2 tinction-on p Lake but 3 to 1 82. P RICE -j 55S. Colo. 3 bcd.. 1 b_. Ige. r. An address of dis- e road - '/2' block to ns. and schls. LER LANE GLENCOE 59JACKSON AVE. DISTINCTIVIE AND convenient location. Studio lvg. rm. 4 bedrms., 3 b.; upstairs sitting rm.,.brkfst. and recrea. rms. Price lowered to *250 Sée, SEARS REAL ESTATrE Exclusive Agent 421 Richmond Road Kenilworth 528 147LTN7-Itc. IN'FINE ESTATE SECTION 0F WEST WILMETTE Modern. Weil built home on Iand-, scaped. grounids 100 x 250.* Master's suite with private bath and dressing rÉoom. twol additional family bcd- roorfs with bath connecting. and two servants' rooms andi bath. Large liv- ing room with corner fireplace. at- tractive hall and stairoese. .Unueu al dining room - Plenty of closet space and 4 cedar lined wardrobes. 011 heat,, 2 car attached garage. Sold in 1928 for nearly 3 times pres. ent price of $20.000. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 WiI. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 147LTN7- te NEW OFFERING *We arc proud ta. oller a distinc- tively individual resid. in a beautiful block ini Wilmtte. 5 bedrms., 3 .baths and lavatory, ge. wefllproportion:ei ig prize-winning garden. Owner leaving state has reduceti price from~ $19.500 to $16.000 to make it an out- standing value. Hokanson & Jeinks, Inc. 513 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1617 147LTN7-to White Cypress Shingle Of attractive Colonial architecturé. on wooded lot in choice Winnetka location. Three bcdrooms,. 2 bàths, hot water heat with oil, 2 car garage. Owner desires quick sale. Price eut $13,000 go ft. lot ovorlooking the lake. Pie your own furniture ln. its stUdîo 11 roomn. 6 comppactlY arraÙged bedrac 4 baths.. Create your oWn. gaietY h recreatiQn room and outdoor -terr Get off alo in its librariy., Own home and truly live. W. G.,Ruggleus 517 Davis St. Uni. 608. 147LýTN' REDUCED TO $21,000.00 STONE RESIVENCE, >FIRENCH IN, DE- sign, attractively situated among largeý trees. one block to bathing beach.,Short ,walk -to gradle & New Trriet'schools. lot floor- den & powderrmn., guest cbam- ber & lav., serd. pCb.; 2àd floor - :5 bdrms.. 3 tile baths, 2 ýcar garage.-Cal mis" Starneg, Wilmette 3740. TUE BILLS REALTY, INC. 510 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON 147LTN7-ltc BEST BUY IN WINNETKA a charming house, 3 bedrms., 3 prches, 2 c. gar. où ht., for only $6,000. E. S. WJSDQM, & Co., Winn. 387; Eves., Winn. 1235. Wil. 2904 147LT14lltp HUBBAnD WOODS Unusual brk. bouse, square liv. rm. 3 large becrooms. 2 baths. screcned porch - in perfect condition. Cail Ran- dolph 4042- Mrs. Winslow - Gre. 4042. 147LTN7-ltp 150 WANTED TO UUY-HOUSES WANTED TO BUY HAVE CUSTOMER FOR 6 OR 7 BED- room bhouse in Wilrnette up to $14,500. If yotar bouse is flot now listed with us, please caill at once. NORTH SHORE REALTY 523 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 81 15OLTN7-211c WE HAVE $2000 CASH.. WHAT HAVE you for $9000 or less, in a 6 room house, in. or near Winnetka? No brokers. Write B-205, box 60, Wilmette. 150J.TN7-ltc 151 FOR SALEC-VACANT EAST KENILWORTH' $6,000!! An extraordinary bargain in a choice lot near lake. 93 foot frontage; deep wooded, among fine homes. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 530 Davis St. Evanston. Wil, 228 * I 11,1 FOU SALE-H@UUENOLD OODS Large antique Cn b drosser, choit of dcrawe'Lrà", ud- daven- port, 2 dro.loaf nes*Wing tables and sev- oral haud >made hooked rugs. ALSO- 4 mahogany twbu bods; teakwood 'étaud; French fipece d ne st and other. Bosutiful cutommadle davenport; ma- hogany glass top office desk sud chair; odd tables;, assorted chestu aud desk; sovoral new and used rugs; bookeamss fireile seat; ladys writing desk, etc. IREDALE FIREPROOF ;,ÎWÔHOUE 1721 Benson Ave., E9vanifon 171L741tP DUNCAN PHYFE DOUBLE PEDESTAL table,,$30. Lounge chair, $15. Whitney perambulator, good cond. $9. Frençh blue rug, apprwt 8x10 with ozite padding. Like new. $22.50. 0dd and ends of furniture, including dinig rm. seot, at oratly reduceul prices. THIE $LAM- INGO SHOP>. 06 LInden ave.Winn. 2067 SAVE AS MUCH AS $40 1M3 Floou Model Frigidaires Liberal trade lu ou your old box V. J. IILAN CO. Winnotka NOS 171IT4-4tp INLAID LINOLEUM BLACK, WHITE AND GREY. CHEAP. Wlnnetka 1346 171L7Itp IAWN( TABLES--CLOSE:OUT 42 inch diameter. Ail steel. $12 value, $2.50 eaeh. PAVLIIC 21108. KENIL- WORTH 5672. .171LTN5dtp ANTIQUE CHAIRS, CHINA, GtASS. Tables. 2-9xl2 Wilton rugs, cedar chest, radio, lounge chair, chaise longue,. tea set, etc. Davis 7947. 171LTN7-ltp Walriut .Knee-Hole Desk 1QUINLAN tpý gar.i l 70. Fiir t !imeo >0 10 x245 Lot TYSON, Inc. No. 58 2NID RAVINE FOREST IN 1 Win 17 Lake Bluff, 111. Write B 201, box 00, 147LTNI-lte Wilmnette, 111.. 151LTN-1tp w0 ft. lot tion. 2 ce -'l : 1 - - . - . OPF-b