Âc 'str( .Hes a sec him n à, stroke Sunday.,: ..> - 111 1 : - ¶1 Born in Buffalo 72 years ago, Dr. Cheesemhan made his homne in Kenil- orth formany years before moving tthe Orrington hotel sixteen years ag.His hobby was whist, on which he was considered, an, excellent, au- i ncluding acaposi nteCi cago Whist club. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Grace Cheeseman, and two sons, Grandin Cheeseman of, Los Angeles and Fran k Eugene Cheeseman, Jr., of Evanston. Funeral services wiIl be held at 4 this afternoonat the Memo rial Park cemnetery chapel,' with Dr. Herbert, L. Willett of the Kenilworth Union church, officiating. Burial will be i n Memorial Park. MES. MARGARET WELCH Mrs. Margaret Welch, 61, widow of T. L. Welch, died Saturday in ber homne at 623 Eleventh street, 'Wil-I mette, after an illness, of several mnonths' duration. Surviving are two sons. 'Ralph L., of Wilmette. and Roy of Los An-I geles, Calif. Funeral services, conducted by the Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector of St.Augustifle's Episcopachurch, at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. FOl- lowing the services the remains were taken to St. Louis, Mo., where interment took place Tuesday in St. Mathews. cemetery. Mrs. Welcb was a native of Lon- don, England,, andhad lived in Wil- mette for,,the: past twenty-two years.. With her husband she formerly con-, ducted cafete ias in both Wilm.et and Winnetka. She had recentiy ne- turned from a visit witb her son Roy in the Califonnia city. man of *Pouloni Illinois. Miss Wilson had alwAys been very active in church work and was a charter.imember and teacher of the First United Presbyterian church of Evanston, She had received seven, certificates from tAhe Moody Bible Institute of Chicago>, representing the completion, of t h e .-seven bible courses offered by the institute. She taught Sunday school for fifteen years., Miss Wilson was born at Garrison Hili, County Domegal, Ireland, in, 1872 and came to Evanston with her famnily in .1892. Funeral services, With the Rev. Wallace G. McGeoch offlciating, were held at the Scott chapel in Evanston, on Thursday, and -inter-] ment was at Memorial Park. CHARLES A. THORSEN Charles Alfred Thorsen. a resi- dent of the North Shore for most of his 59 years, died suddenly, on Sun- day, at his home, .534 Meirose ave-' nue. Kenilworth. He had been iii for five or six days. Survivors among h i s immediate family in- clude bis wife, Cora, daughters Mrs W. W. Muehlberg of Highland Park,. and Mrs. A. L. Dlander, 418 Tenth street, Wilmette, and sons. Dellbert, Carlton, and Charles Jr. Mr. Thorsen is also survived by three brothers, Henry, 705 Illinois road, Wilmette, Martin, 10131 Spruve street, Winnetka, and Dr. A. V. Thorsen who lives in Chicago but maintains a dental office in Win- netka. Mr. Thorsen had been a trucking contractor ini this area since 1893. In that year be sfrted business in YWinnetka and in 1896 changed his business address to, Kenilworth and shortly thereafter moved his familY to that community. The funeral was held at the Scott chapel in Wilmette on Tuesday, and interment wàs. at Mernorial FATHER'S DAY- BROUGHT THIS THQUCHT TO MINDý * 4 o * S i Twenty-nsix years ago William H. Scott founded thîs insttution which bears bis name. He passed away the 15th of August, 19371 iist a fw years affer the complelion of our beauiftu1 Finerai Hom~e whch h. d.dicafed to beneficial and trust worthy service. W. regard this Funeral Homne as a mémorial to his ideals. Hils principles and pretcepts are devotedly re- tained. The original beaufy of the chapel is being, carefully preserved, and with the though*ful addjton of new furnishings and a Hammond Organ the in- terior becomes more pleasing and impressive. As 'for the equipment, *'f k mainfained at +hé highest standard of efficiency at ail fimes. %. j 4 4 4 4 4