-East Sieé of Heaven" ... .Burke-Mona> (Unhiversal Production. same name) Ronnie Miller ..My Reverie".....eusey-Clinton "Don't Allen Hotchkiss "DntWorry About Me". Koehler-Bloom Malcolm Holtz "Swamfire........... .....Moe IV ........... .............. DeRose-Shef.teir-Parish Ronniè Miller "A New Moon and an Old. Serenade" .......4. Silver-Bo.ck-Caslow Malcolm Holtz "Our, Love" (After:1 *Tschalkowscy)........Clinton AllenHthks "Star Dut" (Asplayed byý Benny Goodman)......... Carnichaël * fw.T j"I Hadn't -Anyone ' You....... Noble WILMETTE "My Last GAlle H....i.......Howard fi~A * Malcolm Holt COA & ATRIA C . Jcrled frYo-Freed-Lyman-Arnheim MAT O*lUAL Roni ile '4NU'U~ -Sophsticated Swing" .........Hudson Theme-"'rime on My Hands" .Youmaris (Note - Iftls program fAs subject to Riead the WantAds sll<fht alterations in numbers and in order payed.) FIRST CHUR4H 0F CHRIST, SUENTIST Tengl Street and Central Avenue WILMErrE, ILLINOIS Sunday Servics-1i ~a-. Wedncsd--Te tmonial Meeting-$ p.m. Sunday School Exercises-9 :45 arn, JITNE 25, 1939 Subject: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. READING ROOM I- 3 3 Central Avenue Open Daily 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 74~5 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - p Miss Dorothy Helen Holway,; daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. A. S. Holwczy, 12e7 Elmwooçl avenue,, WUlmette,,' was graduated from Carleton college June 12 idith~ the degree of Bachelor of.Arts, with Magna Cum Laud.. Miss Holway achieved special dis- tinction i the department of Chexn- Reeve prize given on commence- ment day to the student who ranks highest in scholarship for work dur- ing the college year. J AT SUMMER HIOME three children; Frances, Ann, and John, o! 407. Maple avenue, left for their summer home, Green Gables, at Three Lakes, Wis., on Saturday morming. They will spend the en- tire summ.e' theie and will return borne. iniSeptember. Mr., Kracha will spend the week-ends with W~s family. TAKE COLOp, MO VIES Mr. and Mrs. George Rigler,. 706 Cummnings avenue, l<enilworth, are home from abroad, havlng spent the month of May traveling in England and HÔlland and taking colored mo- tion pictures for their private col- lection. Recently Mr. Rigler has been in, Battle Creek and Detroit, Mich., on a business trip. ,fterianLetg1on fl Itake the fotel by storm with a gay Beach Walk. party. The purpose of this affair is to launch the slogan "seat New York" with a greater crowd and a parade, in Septernber, that will crush the eighteen-hour march. in New York two years.ago. This is5 distinctly a social affair.. Dancing and enterfainment: with plenty of excitement «are the order of the evening. The Legion' will be at play in this colorful event with- out formality and ail its friends are invited. It is under the direction of WalterJ. Swanwick, district junior vice-commander of North Shore post, a ided by Past, District, Com- manders Francis Phelan, o! Win- netka, and, William Merryman o! Indian Boundary. .Posts participa ting are: Winnetka, North Shore. Evanston, Wilmette,1 Rogers Park, Morton Grove, Trowel, S h er ida n, Sesterhenn, Gibbons, Niles Center, North Town, Peter Huerter, 'Marshall Foch, Indian Boundary, J4oyce ilmer, ,Thomas E. Garnett and George W. Benja- min. Urge Prompt Purchase of The Wilmette Ravinia Festival committee, allowed two-hundred coupon books, has nearly achieveci its goal, but still has books avail- able. It suggests, through its chair- man, Mrs. Walter Knupfer, that Wi- me.te residents desiring these books, off ering reduction ini price both. for admission tickets and r.eserved seats for regular concerts, cali her, 'or. any mrember of her con-imittee, here- by listed: Mrs. Edmond. Richer; Miss Marjorie Day. Who lives with her niother, Mrs. F. D. Day at 504 Fifth street; Miss Jane Moist; Mrs. Charles Ostrorn; Mrs. Maurice Ro- sen; Mrs, Charlotte Comstock who resides with her'father, Charles W. Biekell; at 202 Golf terrace; Mrs. Henry Brennan is the other mem- ber of the Wilmette rn-,rittet Canal for F resno, C be Major Dowling's ~ESEDCOAL Qualtri Fuel- 'arle )rter 1 Romni .....Pol w Try a a Lte Par which m post. I