e Summer Rugs, Fibre w JORJORUAN coe SafeIy, of noise went along with the parade. from yells, for the .playrground. to "Little.Sir Echo."' There were about. one hundred children in the parade. The day was grand -for th, e trip,, beine- neither too,:hot-nor.too1 cool. Upon arriving back atthe play- ground' each child was given a wrap- ped piece of 'candy and then lined up for à nef reshing drink at the fountain. T7he story hour followved-while the children,.rested. AIl wene tiredbut happy., Pla&nned Progran' Vattman 'playground has'a plan- ned program for the day.and chul- drënareweme to 'core in any 'out. Rafla work.and reed baskets as 1l as poster mnaking are the special kinds of handerafi for the first two weeks. SMany baskets have been started of gay colored raflia and sevenal of the reed waste baskets have been s are mnade about r,'sa epflaygrourid 7" in a Village-<"o; *The aternoon pnogram starts with handicraft after lunch, games Sor play period or maybe a scheduled playground gaine of basebafl follows handcraft. Stories and tap dancing are also a part of the prognain. The day is planned for pleasure and keeping active little hands busy. Pienlc Tinie Here Pienic turne is here again and .Toe Lynar's Sinclair t e a m -ré-i mnained on top of the Playground and~ Recreation Board. Junior Soft- bil leaguie bY ,hipping the ]Dodgers, t17 to . The.Lynamus boys started out with 3ý runs, in the firut inning. and scored in each inning except the th. Theý Hornets 19 tô 17 defeat of the. Dusters gave them a dlean' slate also. They share firs It place honors with the Sinclair boys. Goodwins. team won their, first gamne of theseason from the Howl- ers 12 to 9 in a close. and hbar d played gameé. 'The leaguo standi, ngs. follow: W.,L pet. Y vna m's Sinclair........3 0 1.0 Mrnets.........3 '0 1.000 Dusters ..................1 2 .3 (podwins ................I1 2 .33M orer .................... .3 Howlers ..................O0 3 .000 ADULT LEAGUE All games in the Wilmette Play- ground and Recreation Adult league' were washed out last week by heavy rain fall on Monday and Wednesday nights. The team standing is. as fol-,- lows: Team Standings: Iv >ma............3 sSinclair .........3 & Blackwell ........ 2 ... . . . .. . . . . 2 Pl . .........-.....-.«).4.p 0V. of F. .............. 4 2 .000 Hammond Ice Cream......O0 3 .000 STOLP PLAYGROUN» Record registrations which num- bered over 125 the first days and' which it iu hoped will increase be- yond that this* week, prove t h a t mother as well as the children on the east side of the village appre- ciate a playground in their own thie bok was the Wisconsinf arnof her unele, Franlk Lloyd Wright. The book is notable for the charm of it.s writing, as well as for Miss Wright's beautiful illustrations. Runners-up for the medal were: "Leader of Destiny," by'.Jeanette Eaton; "Penn". by Gray; "'Nino,"1 by V neo Hlo the Boat," by Crawford, and "Mr..Popper's Pen- guins," by Atwater. The Caldecott Medal for the finest illustrated picture book*was award- ed to "Me! Li," by Thomas Hand- worth. It ,lu based on his, lif ini China as. a Guggenheim- fellow., Other competitors for the medal, were: "Forest Pool," by Armer; White,", by Wanda Gag; and "Bar- kis," by Newberry. These books are ail in the Chil- dren's room of the Wilmette Publie tibràry and may bê borrô~wed for home use. VISITOR IN WILMETTE Fred Wessel of .Evansville, Ind., was a recent houseguest of Mr,. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Buchanan, 1943 Ienilworth avenue, Wilmette. He drove north with Miss Virginia Bu- chanan from Greencastie, I n d., where they are students at DePauw university. Miss Buchanan w ilI 1 study in the liberal arts schciol of Northwestern university thi s umn- mer. TAJKES PLANE JOURNEY Miss Jane Bigne1li daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bigneil, 312 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, who has just completed her freshman year at Lake Forest college, 'recent-- iy made a round trip east by planhe. She went down to Harvard univer- sity for several house dances,1 and. also attended the fair in New York. posters, for the Viflage-wide poster ws: a] 1. mancy murphy, 2 -Dick, Morgenstern. g heC AIuUA LLr.JhAA£ £z&E u aily, working wîth raffia and The Wilmette Playground and making gay and colorfüil coast- Recreation board pet show, sched- ýts, sewing baskets, pin frays, uled for Wednesday, June 28, was Spaper baskets, head bands postponed to, Wednesday, .Tuly 5, on bracelets to, match at the vil- account of nain. The sarne pro- green. gramn wilI be carried out,, beginning cbildren are busy in a k i n g at 7 p.m. MVI8affl2j