conifet Md cogeuaity hu the Northb-wS~da . . . one .1 the fuest rèsorts tu Northerm Wlsconsha. Roomy, attrictlvely furished mod- eau cottages, eaceh wtb bath. nBeau- MInfY sitUatel On peusulabetweeux two lakes. Far-famel fools. &Meri- cauld". tuStic e ka br.Ie lakes >. .. -isbermau's paraalise. Ex- coDent bathint, sand bech, au l eut- butÉ sprts. Free glf te eut guests' at the laMa... Everett Golf Club.. F0or flltrated'literature, addreis iu UaIIIT,gr,E* Riur,Wis i I motif as a rveuuit oriuaas sneUnas absorbed on several trips to Mex- ico Çity. The,,studio will. hold classes during the summer, months for the first, time this year, and teaching of several new phases of the dance are, planned. GLUNIEWBus COMPANY' MI Steel Insured Safety ýBuses for hire by day or Week. i IParties of' any suze. For infonapatlen eaiU Glenview 369 air et. By Edna M. True Travel lCditor XI most instances and under nor- mal circumstances, change is rest and some new experience contrast- ing widely with our every day lives will refresh us far more effectively than hours, even days of complete relaxation. at home. This fact 'should be given deep consideration when planning. any va- cation, for the success; andpleasure of one'sholiday depends largely on doing the. suitable thing. For 'those whose ,activities are iargely mental, niecessitating long hours of closeiy confininig work with definite routine and, the, us ua ily 'a ccompanying "ruts," a, good trip that takes themn completely out of their environment, presents, new and different scenes and brings them into contact with new people, is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if our "job" is one that brings us constantly into touchwitih. ýpublice .nd mearie a continuous expending o! energy in serving them i one capacity or another, a stay on a well chosen ranch or i somne lovely spot, away from the maddening c r o w d has, greaterappeal and wifl undoubtedly be much more beneficiai as well. SWaut t. Go Plaes? For the former, those Who want te go places and have as many new and varied experiences, as their va- cation period allows, without sacri- ficixxg comfort and being foolishly rushéd, there are a hcst of! Wonder- fui trips to choosé fr4>n; for exam- pie: circle tours to the West and Northwest, including corners of oui- own country where you can hear, Spanish epoken, on the Street, visit Indian Pueblos and attend colorful Cerernonials in adobe towns; others, to the East and Canada which can be combined with one of a number of romantic cruises out of New York or marvelous ocean liners witb ife wnear Traverse City), wher~e musi- clans gather from ail over the Unii- ted States giving their concerts and living in camps under the pines. Wisconsin,"next door", offers 7,000 lakes and vast stretches. of forests in her 56,000 square miles. of vaca-? tion land.1 In. her Flambeau reser- vation, the Indian womfen still re-. 'tain' their ancient skill in working deer skins, weaving and bead worki. Muskies, bass and pike. in .cool,, cleaïr lakes await the. angler. The. rugged, rocky coastline of D o o r county is. like that of Maine and in the Eagle River county and Land O'Lakes there is unexcelled boat-, ing, swimming, fishing, and golf. Minnesota, another nearby s t a t e,. boastsý of 38 vacation regions, con-' taiingý 11,007 lakes,: and for the less gregarious, thousands, of acres of wilderness-to explore.,Again in Ontario, we find a fisherman's par- adise for Muskies and brook trout abound. Many of lier lakes are reached by portage trails in a coun- try so wild that one can have a whole lake to oneself. Offer 30-Day Camping Trip *For those who would like to see the Canadian Rockies in a totally unique way, there is a 30-day camp- ing trip under the auspices of "Old Hands' who know how to live in the open without sacrificing conifort, and ail at an unbelievably low cost. That there are many kindred souls in this world who enjoy and appre- ciate unspoiled. natural beauty, is evidenced by the Trail Riders of the Canadian R1ockies, a full fledged or- ganization of nature loyers drawing m-embershlp froni ail parts of the world and from ail waiks of life in-, cluding the former.king of Siam and, British Statesmen as weil as stenog- raphers a nd tired business men.. Every year, i late July, the Trail Riders Caravan starts from somie place li the Canadian Rockies, (this_,. year frorn Banff, on July 28), for sunlit days in the saddle, . picking their way over forest.trails or high passes, fishing for rainbow trout in Lilatnia lakesnnd strpams. with pvP. 1 a 16