By Marjorle MeLean Leary Camp Consultant A few weeks of vacation have elapsed and. the summner camps have already .begun, or will begin their sessionswithin the next wek or '80. Because of the general: interest in the tWo World's F aifrs, camps: geneèrally are not so, well .fihled. as theyr have been during th, e last few years. Sev-: eral of the, best .~have notifled us that they will ex- tend several par-, Stial scholarships, "for full time campers. These scholarships will effect, a substan- tial saving in the <Bermie) we will bc glad Marjorle Leary to inform parents about them. The organization c a m p s , with short term camp expérience, also have places open at various times during the summer. Parents who have altered their vacation plans or who have decided to place their children in camp for a few weekÉ or for the entire summer will find excellent private and organization, - - - Lt..fcM A scholarship to St. George High school, Evanstorï, has been award- ed to James, Matteoni, who recently graduated at Sacred Heart school, Jiubbard Woods. Graduating at the age of 12, James had the highest aveerge of the beys inis elassêH is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Matteoni of 992 Oak street, Winnet- ka. Attend a Wedding; Then Take a Trip Bruce Granstromn of Wlnnetka and Val A. FEvannton, given annually at the Principia Up- per school in St. Louis, Mo., where Miss Carrington is a junior. The award Is given 'for the best essays on the gene ral subjecti, "Politics as a ýCareer, i.order tô stimulate un- der graduate interest i governnient, Miss Carringto's essay 'on "Social Service' as:a Career" won second. prize.> FAIR EXHIBITý The giant '6400", locomotive of the .Canadian National' -Rlailwaysp which finished its task of hauling the Royal Train, to the Niagara Frontier recently. is now on exhibi- tion at the New, York World's Fair, according to A. B. Chown, passen- ger traffic manager, who adds that it is being dlsplayed on the tracks of the railway exhibit, and will also havé à plac~é of bonôk' ii the ttais- portation pageant throughout the mnonth of July. _ vomo Mils samme. g*éod food 684 clouo eruvud. legls. end b. plemso.iffy s.rpls.d IRESTEICTUD CLIENTEL.E Full Information: Wrf*t. Wire, Phono (DOILLFRANI LIN Woodjuff, Wisconsin Mrs. C. J. Coon, Owner-M.vaqer BYDSMASON LAK E RESORT BO U S 12 Mles West on Highway 70 WISCONB .IN On a c1taïg o se,& lvJes, the Dorth and south forka of the Flaumbeau 5River. Fine. Fishing for Musky, Bas, Pike and Trout Gp1fing - Tennis - skeet' Camp Consultant MaT jorie McLean Leary is the authorized Camp Consultant of this netvs magazine. Her serv-_ ices are availab le, by. appoint- ment, to al our readers at no obligation whatsoever. Parents faced with c a nt p placement pro plems are invited to consuit with Mrs. Leary who is a recog- tional park, Salt L. Yellowstone. ,They the trip in one m( ake City, ana the y expect' to rmake onth.1 Stops in Wlmette on iWay1Wymng Camp Mr.~ and Mrs. Stanley Olmsted an N. ., where hi I is ,sophomore cnsi. a- I î Z re Akvort