52.00 sud $3.00l SWEATERS ........ ..04... ... . 5*1.29 Ail wool,. wool and angora; slip-n and cardigan styles.. Laie winter colon; -.341.f40.1 13 PLAID JACKETS-Valines té $4.98 ý... ...$....2.00 WHITE RAYrON SHà%IK.ÇiIN SUIT 6 6gore k. . . .$ 1.00 Only Ë pec*d Short sleeve cassic jacket.......1.29 TAis Possibe Çnompe....................52,29 .$2.983 md 5$3.98 -SKIRTS .......... 20% 6OFF, Sports Year-Second Floor 475$2.98 ALL WOOL IATHING SUITS .....$10 Mmàix. aqua, Maroon- knifs in' prints. Srx. 41. 386 U S. RUI01R BATHiNGsuiT S............., SmaII and regular sizes. Smartly stylo d. Beach YFear-Street Floor SSpecials in Cosmetics N ROGER ANGALLET SPECIAL................ $100 lncludes 21/3 oz.. c ologne wifh 3 cokes of foilet soap. $1.00 LUXURIA FACE POWDER .......... ......-.65C >$5.00 ÉLIZARETII- AR-EN TREASURETTE SET .... 5$2.95 'Contoining Ardena cleansing cream, velva cr.am mask, cream amoroIva.' velva crearm skin lotion~, special astuingent, and fwo sampIe'boxes of face powder. TUSSY VACATION CREAM ...... . 10 13 ounces of cold cream cieonsing cem DOROTNY GRAY ELATION MAKE-UP ENSEMBLE ... $1.00 Face powder, make-up film, and $,1.00 lipstick. TIJSSY COLOGNE.-Special ........................5Soc Throughout the store-extremely worth-while se ered on practically ail Sprng stocks ..Anc need for your Fourth of JuIy outfing or summerN v "r'~ VI- ~v ~v ~v v v v v v v v v v 176SPJ DRASTICALL' 59,DRESSES ai 30 DRESSES ai -vas l#ta $17-50 -values ta. $22.95 Here's a special clearance of lafe Sprii much more thot you'l buy several to f4 find prints, sheers, and solid colors. dresses, print combinafions. They're dreu and rght on info fait, and the assorfmed every. size in .very group but a goodi MAKE AN Qualifyrmerchandise . Prices substantialty low- ýy to ofF ect real economnies on many itemns you'll Read every.offering . .You'Ilbe wel repaid. ýSES 4 14 E'DIJCED! DRESSES as 'u O 29 41 DRESSES a -valesWDgo S25.00 es-aIl of them are worth s0 antage of the savingsl You'Il dresses, pleafed and draped 'il wear cool days this summer ffering styles is amazingl Nof en+ in ail groups. isse"-5 - 50 - $10 "TION! R eady-to-Wear- À & À À A. À À Boys' I7~ * 8,14,16 $ 7.95 8.95 9.95 16.95 $1 0.95 .14.95 16M9 17.95 19.95 -25.00 COATS-AiI Spd.nq & 10,95 7.00 12.00 12.00 and $ 12.95 9.00 13.00 1 8.00 Merchandi.se 3,5.6 34.5,6 314,516 10,12,14 7,1,12, 14. 16, 10. 12 12 elldrew'z Dresses u«d Formols1 Including paper taffefa, crepe mnd moire. Broken jPrice' sizes from 12 fo 16 . .. values uptfo $16.95. GIRLS' HOUSECOATS-Reg. $5.00 Be....... .53.95 Sizes 12, 14, and 16. Children's Sectioni-Second Floor white and natural. CHENILLE IEDSPREADS-vl!es fo, $6.95 ........ $2.95 Beautifully f ufted, d" ' ple. Twins and a few doubles. MARTIEX TURKISH BATH MATS ... values ta2.5511 Grand values for they are ail disconfinued patterns. GUEST AND INGER TOWELS ...............eah 21 c These are samples, slightly soiled, but of pure linon. iffi- Draperies- Floor Boys'.Ye ar-Street Floor I--m --m -m--. ~Mi -. I -~ -~ WW WW L2 u N 8.14.16 1 17.