Married in AIL, White Ceremonyï 'A Victorian wedding in ail white, seven foot tapers. proViding' the only illumination, was heid ini St. Mark' s church In Evanston, Wednésd ay eve- ning, June 21, when Miss Estber Gruiee, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Lowry. K. Grulee of Evanston, ,be-- came 'the bride o!- Thomas. Cauthorn White, son. o! Mrs. Thom as, C.. White of 3W0 Richmond road,'_Kenilwor'th. Before an altar decorated With stan- dards of white hules and snapdrag- ons, the Rev. larold Bowen per-ý !ormed the ceremony at 8:30 o' clockl. Both the bride itnd bier attendants were. gowned In Victorian dresses of white. The bridai dress, with full skirt o! tulle, was made with a fitted bodice and long sleeves of Alencon lace shot with silver threads. Lace medaflions aiso extended the length of , he skirtiIronit. A -1hal~o!f Jies o! the vailey held ber tulle veil, andi she carried a bouquet of vaiiey lilies. The bride's attendan ts, Miss Ger- trude Matthews o! Keniiworth, maid of honor, and Miss Katharine Broth- ers o! Evanston, Mrs. Charles Peter Jaeger of New York, sister of' the bridegroom, and Mrs. Melvin Skin- ner of Oak Park, bridesmaids, were ini white ynarquisette, val lace in- serts trimrning the puffed sîceves, and a double rufflei the front of the n ations, and the reti and white :flow- ers they wore 'i their hair with white ribbon streamers. Miss Mat- thews, the maid of bonor, carried a garland of geranium red and white. Mrs. Grulee wore bine chiffon and lace for ber daughter's wedding, and Mrs. White a gown of reseda green marquisette. John flensôn of Winnetka was Mr. Miss Eleanor May, daughter of Mrs. Josephi May of McHlenry, Ill., was rnarried Monday of this week at 10 o'clock in the morning in St.. Francis Xavier' chu rch, to Walter .Manning,, son of Mrs. John Marin- ing. of Cbicago. The ceremf 1ony was performed by the Rev. Martin D. McNamnara. A. wedding breakfast and'reception -followed the service at the Sorthi Shore hotiel in. Evans-, ton. The bride, Who:for the past seven. years has operated the H el1 e n.e ]Beauty shop in Wilmette, which shÉle now ha s sold, wore. a white chiffon and lace dress with a train. Her fingertip:veil was beld to ber hair by. orange blossoms, and white roses and sweet peas were the flowers in, ber .bouquet. The maid of honor, Sylvia Gold- bofer o!flHighland Park, was dres; ed in blue marquisette. The brides- mffldgzAnna, Elkëand Edith Brn- bas of McHenry, wore peach mar- quisette. Al had veils to match their frocks. Miss Goldbofer carried Joanna Hill roses, the bridesmaids similar roses and blue larkspur. Albert Rosing of Libertyvile ,serv- ed as best man, and t he ushers were Frank Cerny and William Lar- son of Chicago. White summer fiowers decorated .both ciiurch and hotel for the wed- Wedding Will Take Place in Milwaukee Mrs. Haroldi Heirner o! Pine Lake, Wis., and San Antonio, Texas, announces the engagement of her i ;Wedding Bridegroom Just one week after he ýwent to Concord, N. H., to be a groomsman in.tbe wedding of bis, sister, Marion Louise Bent, announcemyent was .,made, of tbe engagement of Willard S O. Bent, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Charles IHoward Bent of 704 Roger. avenue, Keniilwortb, foMssRuhWard. The, engagement was.made known June 11, at aý reception given at tbeir bomne in, Bronxville, , by Mr.. and Mrs. Diederich H. Ward. Miss Ward a'ttended Ce Chase school in Washington, D., C., -and. Smith colleffe, later studying at the Grand Central Scbool of Art. Mr. Bent attended Purdue university and is now in business in New York City. The wedding will take place in Bronxviile, July 15. Mrs. Bent, who went et for ber deighter's wed- ding, is now in Bronxville visiting ber son. ean gel lac a gown of 3-The Drake ionèd the Dorothea and Mrs. wooa avenue, Wilmette. The cere- mony was followed &Y a recep- tion at th~e home of the bride' s parents. Mr. Woerner and bis bride have postponed their wed- ding trip until later, and are making their home> atl1112 Col- umbia avenue, Rogers Park. Miss Marion Louise Bent wa*s married in St. Paul's Episcopal churcb o! Concord on June 3, to Dr. C. Donald Weatbers,; optometrist o! Rochester, N. H., and son,. o! Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Weathers of Con- cord. Tbe bride, gowned in white satin 'witb bead trimming and an antique lace 'veii over tulle, carried white sweet peas, white roses, and cord, Mrs. George Nelson o! Man- chester, and Mrs. Raymond Moore' o! Groveiand, Mass., bridesmaids, ail wore gowns of aqua chiffon, trirn- mnet with peach ribbons, and aqua net hats with braided coronets. Their bouquets, ail except Mrs. Wil- der's of talisman roses, were mixed old fasbioned flowers. Harriet Burroughs( dressed in hand emi' ichester, ýd white be made at T7homnPson, who have. beeri v here from Perrysburg, Ohio. .LiagwormU3 is a graduate of Dort Western universitY. No date h been set for the weddig. jo v aveni