* Stale Senate Votes 44 to 0 for Measure; Kinne Cite@ -Many Advantages. From Springfleld and Representa- tive Bernice T. Van der Vries of Winnetka, camne the information* Tuesday that the Weber, bill rnaking Possible the annexation of No 'Man'S Land, to' Wilmrette .o .r Kenilworth, had, passed ,the -senate by a vote of 44 tO0 It haAà -been psedby June 16 by a vote ' U of 85 to 4, and n o w awiaits the Governor Henry Thus is foÈecast the fmina disap- President Kinne pearance of an unincorporated territory. containiflg 22.4 acres, partially developed as a commercial district. and its trans- formation into an exclusively mod- ern, bighclass shopping center. KinRie Pushes Project presîdent. Kinne is entitled to a P-reat deal of credit for the success- 'J Il Wilmette, Enjoys Play. At Moderate Expense, Annual Report ofDrector DvsInd' iaeGreat- Popu- Iarity of Organized Actiity Daniel M. Davis, director of rec- reatiQzn, this week submitted to the Playground and Recreatifln board bis annual report, in which is corn- b ined a complete revlew of the ac- tivities for the year beginflifg May il 1938, and ending April 30, 1939. The popularity of the various pro- grams is indicated in the attendance figures for the year whicb reached a tot af 329,680, rmade up asfol Police Blockade System Functions;. Criminal Nabbed 'heé Northi Shore suburban police blockade system had a tryoflt this week, and proved its value in the catching of a criminal. At about 2 o'clock Tuesday norn- ing tbe stations were notified that Frank Sperer, a taxicab driver, had picked up a "'fare" at State and Randolph streets, Chicago, and was robbed of $7 and a watch a short County A&sessbýr Clark An- nouees CamÈ~aiga £o Lowe Tax on Property Deadlinefor filling personal Prop- erty sehedules in New Trier toWn- ship ba" been extended to MuY ---8 it was announced this week by Couin- ty Assessor John S. ClarkL. Thé original deadlile had been.,set at June 1. New Trier taxcPayers nmaY file their schedl- ules at Township Assessor H. S. Marsball's office at 5861 Lincoln avenue, Win- netka. Explainling the extension of filing t i m e , Assessor Clark anmounced a campaign by -itw-ofWoce -to ow er the present tax~ on property li Cook county by John S. Clark winning p ub1i c support for a, tborough assessment A! intangible personal property which was launched this week in co-opera- tion wlth bis citizenh' couunittee. Seek Greater Uespaiuse sponse from persons whc the public serv1Icts, s iib v-. police and fire protection and health inspections essential to the proper developynent of a neighborhood w beautifully and advantageously sit- uated. It has been a long, tedious campa ign, but persistence and in- genuity have brought success., He Was ably assisted in bis endeavors by Village Attorney 'William M. James, Village Proseciltor Edwin A. Robson, and tber Vidlage offi- ciais. gram. . jhis cab rnto a oarbevUe 5Ltana,an The report shows that the boardj the robber jumped out and ran into operated for the year at. a total] a field. cost of $8,512.66. It is noted, also,' Co<iperatIIi Begins tbat a number of WPA, instructors The police departnients o! North- and handymen were.assigned to. the, fild, Glencoe, Winnetka, Kenil- staff. Worth, Wilxnette and Glenview join- During the past three years t hée ed in the search, as did also the board bas operated the Community state and county police. Center located in the old sebool Police Officers Philip Schneider --~npnl West.---. and John Voss of the Wilmette de- schedules so that ail who'have nôt yet reported their holdings rnay stilIl do so and avoid the legal penalty of 50 per cent increase in their assessments. "I arn acting on the theory that e very single person, business and corporation is wiUing and eager to pay their share for the 'support of schools, for fire anxd police prtec- tin arnd ather services," Assessor (Contlfluedon se will su!- I3. plan. In ne lenefit theÔ.,- Rtea'4 - seond-als awater MariA '8.1912, as the pan ega as VIesute, lUssof. uisèr thea of .1 atck. 1170. FIVE CENTS A COPY TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, J'une 29,1939 Iothersi are a lessee, conceà fer, w fact, 1 r re- the oi arrest