Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1939, p. 42

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Cive Reading in Beoutiful Carden A benefit play-reading by Hope Summers (Ms., James Witherell) te to be given at, the bSome of Mrs. Johnston A. Bowmnan iii Evanston on Ju.y7, at.2:30.ô"elock. The audi- ence' ilbe gouped on the ter- race overlooldng -the formai garden. Tea wifl be served on the lawn. The Eva nston Garden' club' se- iected the'Bowmangardon for the garden.sale because o.f Itg > otOtad- mng beauty. The garden was alo included 'in the Garden walk. On July 7,. the garden wifl be at the helght of its beauty wlth delphinium and liea. The benetit la given for the Mary clubs, an agency whose work wlth - - -- & - .11 "1vu 4M need of care. Hostesses for the day will be: Mesdames Juliaxi P. Anderson, Al-, len Ashcnaft, George F. Bollenback- er,' Paul Chapin, C. B. Iinternhoff, Thomias R. King, John Manley, Frank M. Mason, Jr., Fred I. Non- mian, T. E. Quisenberry, A. G. Ruthman, Harry E. Sheasby, Frank FamiIy Dnner Honors Daughter and Fiancé Mr. and.Mn.. Delano.C. Lett Carson Pirie Scott Phol Miss Betty Cleveland, datxgh- ter. of Mr. and Mrs. Chester E. Clevelandi, 828 Foxdale avenue, Wnnetka, hais been awarded a partial honorary acholarship by the National College of Educa- tion for her freshma~n year. She ia one' of this' year's News Trïer graduates. The Sixteenth National and Fifth International convention of Zeta Tau Alpha will be held fnom July 8 to July 13, at the Grand hotel on Mack- inac Island. Foun-hundned Zetas fnom the Ulnited States and Canada are expecting to attend, one-hundred of them comning from the Middle- w-est. The North Woods was the wed- ding triin destination of Mr. and Mrs. John E!ddy UItley whorne mar- niage took place at 5 o'clock Satur- dav afternoon in- St . Luke's' Pro- i-ntlernrl in Eva:nston. The hnidei the.former.Gréace Millicenit Turnnck. is thé dauLihter of Mrs. Claâdys D. Turnock:of Evanston, the former Gladys Dbonaldson of W-: mette. * ,Snrav,; of sûmmnner, flowe-rs: decor- ated both the church and the Evans- ton. hotel where the, reception took place. For .hpr 'weddine M iss Turnock *wnre a %town of--white net with satin trimnming., A -coronet of orange blossoms held her circular finger- tip veil in place, and she carried -a bouquet of white !roses and liles of the valiey. Mrs. B. 'W. Hulbert of Wilmette. sister of the brideoroom, was hnâtirn of hônor. Mis Nàtàlfr Turnock. t h~ e bride's sister, was mnaid of honor, and 'Miss Dorothv Davis of Larchmont, N. Y., cousin of the bride. was bridesmaid. Al werè gowned alike in pinlc net dress- es wlth puffed'sleeves. T1hey wore large pink picture hats and had 'bouquets of ýdelphinium and deep pink roses. Janmesq Rnwnan of PEvnftonnwas îcathedral, read the service. Mr. Utley, son of Mrs. J. B. Utley of Evanston, and his bride wil live' at 815 Judson avenue, Evanston, after their honeymnoon. Make Debut At Supper Dance A. supper dance at Indian Miflclu1b Fniday evening, September 8, WIU be the joint debut of Miss Ehise Petersen of Kenilworth. and' Miss Marilyn Martin of Winietka,,ioom-; mates several years ago at the Haci- ýenda del Sol in Ttiïson., The party is given by Mr. 'and Mrs.ý Hugh 'à. Petersen of 1212 War-' wick road and «Mn. and, Mrs. Me11en C. Martin,. who are receiving some. of their .own friends fliýrm Bto, 10 o'clock, preceding dancing forn-thé younger crowd. Miss Martini recently came home from Finch Junior college- in New. York,, a nd. will retunn thene after hber debut, majoring, Jn theater ýarts end ballet. She w a s gnaduated a year ago from Monticello, where she 'had enrolledfollowing a year at the Hacitenda. She sttded Ititi t- land for 'sevenal summens, li Ve- vey and Lausanne, and' also wOas abnoad at one time with Miss Peter'- sen. The latter was graduated this month at New Trier IHigh school, and plans to enter Finch li Septem- ber. lI July, she will go to Mercer, Wis., with her parents and her broth- er, Hugh, to be at their summer home until the middle of August. Juniors School Friends Mrs. C. H. Warnen of Evanston- remains li office as presidexit of -the Evanston Friends of Chicago Jùnior school, and others continulng with her on the board to complete their terms are Mrs. L. J. Hubbard, finat vice-president;. Mns. L. W Strorig, second vice-preaident; Mrs. A. V. Gustavson, treasurer; and Mrs. A. a i ~-

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