KEEPSFOOD FRS H Makes Ho Weather Meals East ropare Seves Tim - Seves "'Ther is a decided évidence 'of caution on the part of prospects," he sald, "but the encouraging fac- tor in our opinion is the readiness to buy if the price is right,., Our ex- erience s how s that A.- strong po- tential market ex- spread between between.quoted prices and offers must be narro- ed to create an ac tive ma r ket. -N. F. Llghthart- We have found that most residential property wiil seil if :own ers will ac- cept a pricé close to a fair miarket appraisal." Axnong North Shore sales closed in the. past thirty. dlays byr Smart & Golee, Ine., are the following: Albert H. Newman purchased from Northwestern university the. southwest corner of Sheridan road and Harbor- street in Glencoe. W. A. Sadier was the broker. Tobey H. Newman bought from the P. Becker. estate the vacant 120 feet on Green Bay road between Harbor and Wentworth streets in Glencoe. W. A. Sadler was the sales- begin extensive alterations unaer the direction of Ernst Benkert, ar- chitect. W. À. Sadier represented both parties. Two 50-foot lots on Willow road west'of Hibbard road in Wmnnetka were sold by the Reliance State bank., E. Sawyer Smith co-operated with W. A. Sadler in the sale. Publie to View %,&A Y/ -- UUILLU %73 aç.iV1&V L Servel lctrolux IDealers und Public Service Company of Northern Illinois 'I iq