LtFE INSVRANCI Co.. QUINLAN laid TYSON c», N. La Sali. Stret, Chiago Central 0227. 1571 Shemnan Avenue,: £vanuton Uioeslty 2600 Vilmmte 2602 "o, Jj~ .~ -., q Tis: English design home, buitt by C. A. Hemphilt andi Aaaociates, -ia nèiarng completion at 1248 Aah atreet, Wnnetka. It contcz:ns aeven. ooaandi tuo and one-hai1f baths, tvith, exterior wcaoéf redbrick, and La'nn atone on the front . levation. - ANTSf l Fie dodzj JOS ANTKICILER- A "auto aytRID your Sm and 1mw., ejANTS in 193 9 The roof is of cedarshnesta- ed dark brown to blend with t he wood, half-timber, trim. There are four bedroomas, all with cross venti- lationi. A slightly ditterent arrange- ment from the orthoçlox is that liv- ing and- dining rooms -are located Points to Need For State-wide is has 3,000,000 ac le and unflt for ar ture whikh should 1? ame.iCrIx TRADE MA«K 0F QUALITY BUILDE 1IG N 1NG F1N A N CIN G B UI LDI1' of land ýhase of produe- Lynch insisted that thèse idie lunds can be mxade to produce an irncome under the reforestation pro- gram set-up under the Division of F'orestry and inaugurated in 1936. Distribute 5,000,000 Trees During the past year. 5,000,000, trees,. produceçi at' -the state's two vear. Part of the renewed interest in vacant Drobablyv is caused by the tfact that -more ýbargains'in vacant seem tobe available'at the present* timne than for -some timfe'past, they explain. In addition. the, interest created throusrh the neWgtnaDe.r, anid:.M aga- zine publicity for modern homes,, as well as -the willinaness of. architects and builders to meet the problemn of coqtý. have done their share., The recent radio ..pÉogram over WGN sponsored by the architects and builders, bas also pla:yed a part, in, bringing to the interested home owner more vital information, to help banish the idea that buildinga home is a mysterious proposition. Recently the Stuits sales organiza-' tion has been -successful ini obtain- ing locations for many new homes to be bostu é.Some of which are nearly conipleted. These in- clude: The Moorhead's on Ehnwood ave- nue, Wilmette; the Dewey's on Elm- wood avenue, Wilniette; the Keith's on Greenwood avenue, Wilmette'; the Weaver's ïon Delta road, High- land Park; the Sarda's on Elm street, Wlnnetka.; the Lewis' on Elmwood avenue, Wilmette; the Coutre's on Elmwood avenue. Wil- Lynch advised. It. is the plan, lie said, of the division to Sîtep-up ifs production program to the point where 20,000,000 treës wiIl be pro- duced annually. Points Out Advantages Lynch saiçi in addition to the in- cemne that could be realized from a mattired growth of timber there are many advantages in reforesting idie land. Hie pointed out that reforesta- lU Lu a Prankl.n2650 'I W