DON'T MISS THIS EAST WINNETKA 85 ABBOTTSFORD RD. Brick-8 rms. 5,brns.m-4 baths-2 car att. .Lot-75xl50: Beautiful trees,, garden, English, Architecture,- well constnuctecj, is St loor: Guest room or ýden .and bath sun rvi. scr. 1pcb. canvased 2nd Floor: 3 mnaster' brmsg. and 2 mnaster baths, dressing uoom. Maid's roomn and bath in English bsmnt. Heat: Oul B&G system, 2 car att. and -htd. garage witb sun deck above-insulated. PRICE $21,900.00 Cali Mrs. Savage., Wil. 1764-Wil. 16-5 KING REALTY CO. LOCKERBIE COUNTRY ESTATES X11NGSWOOD COUNTRY ESTATES 3343 GLENVIEW RD., WIL.METTE, 147LTNBltc A' Very Substantial WeI-Planned 7 rm. resid. at 1610 Washington Ave.. Wilmette, on a good deep wooded. 75- foot lot is offere4for $10,000. Ti rl low price has been wired us byý town owner ready to do business at once. Calus for furtber details and sug- gestions. Hokanson & Jenks, hIc. 513 Davis Street, Evanston. Gre. 1617' 147LTN8ltc 182 Fuller Lane-Winn. NO MORE PERFECT LOCATION. TFAN this - on a private lane. - a block to the lake and but 3ý to trans. gradie and high schîs. Adorable franie colonial, 3 bedrms., 1 b., scr. pcb. Ail for $14,000:1 Oni exclusive Statr Road is an owner-built Engllsh bouse c f 9 rooms. and I1,Çý baths, whose charm Is evi- dent the moment you enter its gra- cious reception ball, and look tbrough the arched doorways cf the library to the garden beyond -: Excellent planning and good taste have pro- duced perfection of, detail. For sale- at $35,000, with smiall. cash paymnent, and the balance spread over 20 years, like rent - If you are now renting,. be sure ta investigate t bis. QUINLAN & TSN e Exclusive Agents 54Lincoln Ave. Wrnn. 177 147LTNI-ltc WHITE. COLONIAL CHOICE WINNETKA LOCATION. 4 bedrms., tule bath, ex., show., auto. bt.. parneled recreation room. 'Lovely. gar. den. Priced tô seli. 'For particulars cal Mr. Daily. FRANKLIN REALTY 1569 Sherman-Evanston" Uni. 7777 147LTN8ltc 5f MILES FROM THE CENTEtt 0F Wlmette., You can own yotar own aamme dq N "a deuu. aaa&-,nBa5w*aajiimdiQAh. coVers èverythiflg. FIVE ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW 234 2ordica Avenue, Glenvlew, Ill. Owner-J. M. Eckert, 520 Lake Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois. 147LTN8ltp EXPENSIVELY BUILT, ATTRAýC- tive English brick near Skokie Club; *4 bedrms., 31,'2 batbs; cool secluded screened porch; 2 car attacbed ga- rage; 72 ft. lot; reaily outstandihng value; $18,5W0. QUINLAN & TYSON, hIc. 584 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 177 BUILDING SOON? THEN SEE THIS LOT-WX170 FT. IN goodWlnrletka 'location.,.ail improve- men1 & paid for. Only $1,500.00 for immediate builder. Mr. Tarnowsky- Gre. 116ý-Wil. 3740. THE BILýLS REALTY, lme. 510 Davis St. l51LTNS-îtc BEST VACANT BUY 50 x, 141, TObRENS Title. immédliate delvery., Close in.- Forced to sell.-'F. Pavlik, Jr., owner,,' KenilwortIL 15ILTN8lte 1S& 'FOR SALIE-S4UMMER COTTAGES Home on Beagutiful Lake LgESe. D)utcbcooil 0QARS REAL INVESTMENT". Owner, bex 1015. Elk Rapids. Mlcbigan 1S3LTrN3-7tp LAKE GENEVA. WIS. BUENA VISTA ,Park. Completely iurnisbed horne, fin- lshed inside; large liv. rn. wlth fireplace, diii, rm., kitchen, tollet lat fi, 4 bedrins. & bath 2nd fi. large screened porch, elect. lghts & stove; runnhng water, b.w. fulsurouning. AailbleJuly & August. $250 per mo. Gentiles. Ph. Park Ridge 253-M. 156L-ltp 6 ROOM FURNISHED COITAGE ON Lake Manitowisb, Wsconsin. 10 con- necting lakes. Bcat, motor, $25; Cal Wlmette 3798. 156LTN64t BAN. uuuma"CImei . ii u vIuiug. WiEuUbli 173 pOR SALE-MIncoLAncous FOR YOUR POWDER REOOM-UNUSU- ali mxd-vict. -powder table. $35. ,For your garden, old 'vlntàge patter liren bencb, $22.50. Double mahog. pineapple carved poster bed, compi $25 3 lovely mid-v'ict. walnut chesti. ea. *30. Parkoer inq pong table,. $9. - Qirl's, bicycle, * 7.50, boy s bicycle e7.50 FLAMINO MO?, 056 Linderi ave. Winn. 2067. 173LTNS-îtc ýWASHING MACINME SIMPLEX IRON- Ser,. bedroom, dinlng room and break-, fast sets; chairs,. davènports. bôokcamps tables, of ail kinds, 2 office fiat'top deska, 4 poster antique canopy.'bed, other pieces to match. Several new and used OxI2 rugs. Very,reasonable. IREDALE STORAGE 1721 Benson Ave., Evanston Uni. 93,0 Wâk=t FOR IMDIATE SALE Or YOUR unnecessary furniture, bousebold ef- fecta and antiques, PHONE UNI. 0180_ CROST FURNITURE STORE. establlsbei 189, will give your cali prompt atten- tion, for hingle items or complets home. 173LTN49tfc Holland Furnace 50-H Good condition; Oieap. CaU i WIetka 43. ONE 0F TE B'EST 565 DREXEL AVE. GLENCOE White frame colonial, excellent condi-, tion. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, breakfast .room, also large screened porch. at-' tached garage. ýAttractive price and ternis. 1 .1 R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposite "L" Terminal Wlmette 444 147LTN8-ltc !0 ROOM HOUSE (2 FIVE I flats).- Beautiful corner lot 91x12À improvements. Close to grade anc, schls. Good trans. To close estaté sacrifice for $5750. Part cash. Tel.:> brook 235. -1471 7 ROOM kRO:ME, ALL ASSESS ME PAID RELTY KENILWORTH __ Wl'. 1-71FOR SALIE-14C LOWEST? EH OLD GOODS ,RICES f. .4 lens, wwto z printer; omnega enlarg 372 IIAZEL AVE.9 ques, ,lothing, tui wvool suit, wIng chair, wrire plant stand, ha] dil houiiase, beds, set. .. 173LTNQ-ltp 2. JERSEY ýTWO-PIECE, STUD DRESS-, es size 16. Neyer been worn 1 white, 1 lemon, $6 each. Originally $!2.95. Also 1 flgured linen. Glencoe 142f. Ave., pehis. J1ý as,, to Oct. Conider1 2414. six 1100 60 ft. lot in coni tion. 2 Car gar. e.KENILWORTH STEAL! tor. 6 cu. ft. Alsc Thor w tP AN 80 FOOT LOT AT $6OA FOOT. Av.1let fe a-SEARS REAL ESTATE LARGE ZENrTH RADIO. 13 IGERA- LL WI] er. 1706 Pure 011 Station TNBt-lt WIN BABY C«D,,1 ITIFUL preferred. Must be% 1. good condition. Ph -F 1 1 MT LTEB ýTE 1 4-t- heaiifiý 1