For B uydng a Us.d Car ACF FOR DETAILSSEE- Authorized FORD-MERCUýRY',8 -"LINCOL N ZEPHYR ODealers Wilmetue 535 aud 536 A-25-7GREEN, DAY ROAD WILMETT E Used 'Cars With'a Written Guarante Like a,"OER ith the FuIl Yeur -coal oney scores the value when you buy during the summer montks. NOW prices are low.rI NOW quality i; kigiiesti NOW deliveries are cleanest I NOW k 1th. tire to fill your coal bini W. have stocks of th.ý finest graesi. of Coal and Cole ithie six.; you require. And every ton is guaranteed to givo you. complet. satisfaction. Buy your Coal on Approval. NOWI F II1 LI1NOI1S CO0A L- F UE L 01-L >ICE IlPhpbnes: Wlimel'te 1300- Winnelko 3386 - GInco. 75 2738 GREEN SAY ROAD WRE HAVE SERVE D, IJNIVERSITY 7700 - DRIARGATE 3838 TH N NORtH SHORE, FOROVRAQ RTR FACNTR lue. 'I 1 . qfflý T H E. 0.ýV-11 R 4PWARTLR,,'ý A CE NTIU"RY