Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1939, p. 41

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Architeets For Wininetka, Sehool Award Winners Announcement was made last week of the awarding of first prize in a competition for the design of a new museumn of art for the Smith- sonian Institution to Eliel Saarinen and his son, Eero, architects. who are associated with Perkins, Wheel- er and Will of Chica go, as 'archi- tects for the proposed nwWn netka elenientary school. The com- * pet ition was for a building which isj to .cover two entire city blocks and to hÔuse art o! the past,, present and future. It was: open to ail archi- tecte in the United States andl the award carried with it a flrst prize of $7,500, a prize of $1,000 for being among the finaliste, and the eom- mission to do the work when the project is bujit. International IReputation Eliel Saarinen enjo3rs an inter- national reputation as an architect and has an enviable iist of com- * petition awards to hie credit. His -ý1y li 11qiqiibt, iir,1Lprincipal of Hockrora seminary, must fali"- Second only to the in- now 'Roclcford college, fromn 1884 un- eiabl arivai of darkness îs the til bier marriage i 1888. Andrew Positive life-toli that. accompanies MacLeish corganized the retail store night driving. If after-dark fatali- in Chicago for Carson Pirle Scott ties had shown as favorable a trendancmpyadashaoftt from1930to.938 asdi day-time establishment as long as. he remain- deahsthenatona fàaliy ttaled actively engaged in business. last year would, have been only Their illustrious son attended the 27,000 instead, of 32,400, a. study by Glencoe publice chool and went to the Illinois- Automobile, Club. shows. New Trier for two years, .afer. Think!_-over 5,000 additional lives which hie entered the Hotchkiss snuffed out somnewhere.between su'n- school in Connecticut to prepare for rise and sun.set., The. odds, against Yale. From Yale hé received a, drivers Iengthen with the evening B.A. degree in 1915,, and fromn Ha.r-' shadows. Increase your chanices by yard a law degree in 1919. Tuf te doubling. your caution! awarded* him a master's degree in * * *1932. A ýgrade crossing is the meeting Hie laW studios were interrupted place of hëadflghts and. light hieads. by service abroad during the World *' . *war, when lie enlisted ti the fid Memo from the Trfi.Çoe, No artilery of the Frenchi ârmy. After person under î5 years of age mayl,a ' a I' race" 'ftUM 'tO drive or operate a motor vohiclo this count~ry and spent a number of upon the highway unlsse accompa- monthe at Camp Mead, Md., train- nied by a licensed chauffeur or the ing field artillery men for the United ownerof te vehcle.States army. Ho' held. the rank o! hospial * chibald MacLeish gave up the A hsia cot preaches saf et v a practico of law in 1923 to turn writer lot.* *and journalist, and to become on-- of Amorica's foremost living poots. Pet Peeves: The driver who In- He has contributed to the "New Re- sists on. increasing his speed when, public," -"Nation," "Yale Revièw," being passed. and been an editor of "Fortune" mag~azine. F'ood for Thought: If the fatal,âC- At prese*it he is crator o! the ciderit rate per million miles of trav- Nieman Collection of (Contemporary el had been as hligh ini 1938 as it Journalism at Hiarvard, a foundation was ti 1925, the 1938, death total for the advaneement o!f'journalismr. would have been 47,000, 'which ie Here he supervise a large library 15,500 deathe more than the 32,400 poetic drama for the radio, Mac- whieh actually occurroci, says the Lei sh. composed "The Faîl of the Illinois Automobile Club. Safety has City," firet heard over the air in saved thousande of lives-it cari ofbooks and pamphlets, and directs savo yours. 1 the activities of a group 'of journal-. Haris Photo Archibahi Macelemb ,sts, fellows of the foundation. A Pulitzer prize poet, ho won this ,$»O.ward. ,n .fr ", qis dor. - A more recent poemn to. at- tract wide attention was "The Landc of the Free," a verse description of Americg, her land anid ber people, illustrated with many photographs, most of them, taken for the Farm Security administration (iormerly the Resettlement administration). About twenty of the pictures were froni other sources. AJso interested ini the writing o! 1937. Since the appearance of "The Lan d 0f the 'ree,I' he lias written stili another radio play, ",Ar Raid." 1His.,pubUshed works alseiclude: "The H~appy Marriae" (verge), 1924; "The Pot of Iarth," 1925; "Nobodaddy" (play), 1925; 'Streets in the Moon," 1926; "The Hamlet of A.' MacLeish," 1928; "New Pound Land," 1930; "Frescoes for Mr. Roclcefeller's City," 1933; "Union, Pacifie-a' Ballet," 1934; "Pamce" (play), '1935, and "Public Speech" (verse>, 1936. - MUJA AouA Luaings 50ax. Vi awA cu - £ fbA mu. lege.. J. Loreftzini, c Ir) addition to those the Saarinens garden. The f are currently working on a new stalk, with an music hall for the city of Bu-ffalo, very fragrant. vi

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