Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1939, 42-43

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(1) 40% Sary of Superintendent .................$,520 (2ý 30% Salary of (3) Operator..... .............. :1180.00 (330% Salry of Janitor .......... ..................5$04 *00 (4> 20% Salary of Tecbpician.......................- 420.00 (b) Supplies and NExpnse *....................$.... 100.w3 (c). Malntenanoe of Building ............................. 500.00 (d> Maintenance of Equipment............... *"*... * 300.00 (e) Power ............... ................ ...... 1..... 6,000.00 (f) Repairs to Intake.........................."Q..00 Total, Pumping Expense:.................. 7.150.00 *11,116.00 2. Puiiation Expieao. ta) Salarieis and Labor: (1) 00% Salary of Supetintendent ...................$ 1.728.00 (2) 70% Salary of (3) Operators .................... 4410.00 M3 70% Salaryr of Janitor.................... 1,176.00 (4) 80% *Saary of Technlcian .......................1.6M.00 $ 8,994.00 (b Spplies............................$.4;000.00 (c) Maintenance of .Building.... ............ 400.00 (d) Maintenance Of Equipmýent........... ........ ..... 800.00 5.200.0P Total Purification Expense ................. ~.Distribution Epnsé: (a> Superintendence: (1) 1% Salary of Superintendent of Public Works.....5 6W00 (b) Inspection. remnoval and setting meters ............... 2,700.00 (c> Supplies ............................. .............. 200.00 (d)- Maintenance of Distribution System: (1) Labor .............................. $1,250.00 (2> Materlals................ "*'*. ..... 300.00 (3) Pire Hydrants ................... .... 700.00 $ 2,250.00 (e)Mantnaceof e te *................... ...........2115.0 Total Distribution Expense ................ 4,625.00 $ 8,125.00 4.General Expense: (a> Meter Reading and Collecin (1) Salary of Meter Reader ...................$ 1,740.00 (2) Salary of Bill Coliector..................... 810.0ô $2,550.00 (b> General Office Salaries and Expense: (1) Salaries: (a) %/ Salary of Village Collector ........... 76000 (b> Salary of Bifllng Clerk ..............1,440.00 (c) Office Supplies............................ ........$ 1,000.00 (d) Automobile Expense .......... ....... 960.40 (e) M~iscllneous Plant Expense.......... . ............... 750.00 (f)HeaingWaterworks ........... .....................o1,00.0 (g) Care of Grounds-Waterworks .. .. ............. 1,500.00 5. Interest on Bonded Debt............................... $23,950,00 6.Depreciation ......................... ........... ....... 2,595.00 7. Bond Retirement ..................................... .... 6,000.00 TOTAL WATER FUND ................... STREETS AND ALLEYS 1. Materials ........ ,................................. $ 4,440.00» 2. Labor ............................. ......... ...... 3,500.00 3. Supervision-%~ salary of Supt. of-Public Works............ 600.00 4. Incidentals ...........................150.00 5. Insurance ....... .... ......... ....................00 6. Auto Maintenance........................................ 1,097.60 7. Bond Premium............................................ 5.00 TOTAL STREETS AND ALLEYS............ SIDEWALKS - 2,200.00 5,210.40 *9,960.40 $32,545.00 $75,940.40 $ 9.882.60 M.*aintenance Contracts . .............. .... . 18.00 5. F'uel ........................ ........ ................. 750.00 6. Supplies ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 7. Building Maintenane......... 600.00 8. Incidentals ....... ....100 9. Bond Premium . ...1........... 5.0 TOTAL VILLAGE HALL ........ 1. Saary ~> . VILLAGE MANAGER, 2. PSagey(11.............. ........ 1...............00 2. ofice Splee.......................îoo 4. Bod Prmium...................................... 20 5.. Inicidentals ......... ............... .................... 00.00 TOTAL VILLAGE MANAGER ............. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 1. Salaries: -(a) %a Village Colleetor's Salary........................... $ 3,040.00- (b) Two, Clerks'at $1,566.00................................ 3,132.00 2. Office'Su pplies and StationerY.................. ....... $ 110.0 3. IPo tas.......... ...... .............. ....15.00 4.Psae..................... ..... ....... 250.00 5:: Maintenance Contracts..r............... 1....... 1..... .......1i30.00 6. Bond PremniuM... .......... ...................... e... 265.00 7. Office Equiprnent................. ................ ... 400.00 TOTAL GENE RAL ADMINISTRATION. .. VILLAGE BOARD Salaries of Members...» ** .... Incidentai Expense...... ............................. Annual Audit...................................... Memnberships ,........................................ . Bond Premium . ........ ........ Band Concert.......................................... TOTAL VILLAGE BOARD'......... EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT 1. Salary of Preeident .........................$ 1,000.00 2. Stenographer ................................... ........~ 600 3. Postage................................................ 50.00 4.* Telephone and Telegram ................................ 6(00 5. Office Supplies.......................................... 5.00 6. Incidentals.............................................. 5.00 7. Bondi Premiun :................................................. 15.00 TOTAL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT....... 1. Salary ~ VILLAGE CLER>C ..._ M0 2. ClericalEpne....................ooo 3. o8age....... ...................................... 100.00 4. Office Supolies..................................... ..... 200.00 5. Election Expense........ .............................. 100 6. Incidentals ................................................ 35.00 7. Bond Premium ...................... 15.00 TOTAL-VILLAGE CLERK .......... 1. Slares:VILLAGE. TREASURER <a) Salary of Treaseirer .......1...................$1200 (b) One Clerk i....... (c) One Clerk ......... ................ ................. 1000 2. Incidentais andi Suppl;es: (a):Bond of Treasuret................................. $2500 (b) Su)oblies................... . ..$2200 .3. $6,9158.00 .................... . ;) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL STFRgET LIGHTING......... ...... TRAFFIC LIGHTS AND SIGNS Powr.............................. ........ $ Street Traffic Paint......................... ....... Labor ....... .ý....... .... .............. ............... 12,329,40 $16,859.40 865.0 600.00 350.00 TOTAL TRAFFIC LIGH-TS AND SIGNS. $ 3,425.00 $ 6,172.00 2.220.00 $ 8,392.00 80<0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 201.00 500.00 $4,016.00 $ 1,735.00 ENGINEER-INC BUILD)ING DEPARTMENT I.. Salaries: (a) Building Commissioner .......... ........ ....... ,000 (b) Electrical Inspector ..1.............. 564.00 (c) Extra Help ....... .......... 1..................1,000.00 (ci) Plumnbing Inspector ..... .................... . 00. 2. Supplies .. .......... ...... ...... .............. .-150;00 3.Automobile Miaintenance................................ .274.40 4.Postage ........ .................... I...............15.00 5. Bond 'Premium........ ..................................... 25.00 6. Incidentais..................................... 5'00 7. Inisurance ............................. ....... . 1.7 $2,130.Ô0 $ 5,164.00 TOTAL ENGINEERING-BUILDING DEPARTMENT..$ 5,649.10 1. Salariés- (a) Chief of Police ........................$ 3,600.00 (b) Captain of Police .......... .................... ..... 2,820.00 (c> Lieutenant of Police ........ ............ ...2,412.00) (d) Three Sergeants of Police.......................I... 6,570.00 (e) Thirteen Patrolm-en........... ................ ...... 26,910.00 (f) Juvenile Officer ....................................... 900.00 g9) 4 Crossing Guards at $60.00 per month ........ ......... 2,880.00 (h) 2 Crossing Guards at $80.00 per inonth .................. 1,92.() 2. Bond Premium........... .... .... ......... -.........$ 170.00 3. Radio Maintenance ........................................ 260.00 4. Supplies ................................................ 100.00 5. Automobile Maintenance............................... ... 4,500.00 6. Incidentais..................... .......................... 260.00 7. New Equipment........................................... 90.0 8. Prisoners' Food ............................... ....... 175.00 9. Off ire 'Supplies....................... 350,00 10. Postage......................... ........................ 45.00 I r TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT...... $48,01 2.00 $53,962.00 1. Salaries: (a) Cieif of l'ire Department .........................$ 3,600.00. (b) 2 Captains o-f Fire Departinent ....................... 4,380.0. (c> 6 Firemen......... ........ ................ ....... 12,420.00 $ 1,700.00 2. Salaries-Volunteers .......................... 3.* Light and Power ................... ................... 4. SupliJes ............ ...... ........... 5. Maintenance of Equipment .................... 6. Incidentals.............................................. $ 3,900.00 7. Building Maintenance ................ ........ 8. Fuel.................................................... 9. Gas and Oil.............................................. 10. Bond Premium .'.............................. Il. New Equipment . . . .............................. 500.00 600.00 286.00 175.00 50.00 :300.00 125.00 45.00 644.00 $20,.400.0ol TOTAL GARBAGE FUND ............... BONDED DEBT 1. For Paymnent of Principal on General Obligation Bonds Due During Fiscal Year......................... $16,000.00 2. For Ifiterest Due During Fiscal Year on General Obligation Bonds............ .................. 51651.25 TOTAL BONDED' DEET................ FIREMEN'S PENSION FUXI) 'l For Payment of Pensions'........ ,..... 0........ .... . s. 2: Expenses,.................................... .e...........50.00 TOTAL FIREMEN'S PENSION PUNI)... POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUNI) 1. For Paynenitf Pensions .............. ............ i. ... $ .900.00 2. Zxpenses ....... .... 50.00 TOTAL ?OL iiMN*' ESINFND .. 1. Slares:PLAYGROUND. AND RECREATION (a> Director ..........53350 (b).....Ma .Assistan ......... ...... ...................,ooo (c) One Man Assistant........... ................. 1,90.00 (d) Bookkeeper........................ 0..........,...... .120.00 (é) Attendant ý...... ............... 875.00 (f) Printing-Stationery. ad uplis,.......: ... 200.00 2., Recreation Supplies: (a) Special Occasions.................................. $ 85.00 (b) Athletic Supplies ......... 1....................00.00 (c) Prizes for Chi1lfren................................. 125.00 3. Playground Expenses: (a) Salary of Two Instructors.............. ............$ 370.00 (b> Supplies .......................................... 100.00 4. Maintenance (a) Ice Rinks ... ..$.. . . ... . ... .... .. .. . . 800.00 (b) Nepairs anld Equ:: :.::.10.... (c> Heat andi Light................................ .... 100.00 <d) Incidentais......................... ..........1300.00 (e) Symphony.......................................... 250.00 5. Capital Expense: (a) Field House ....................................... $ 450.00 TOTAL PLAYGROUNI) AND RECREATION FPUNI) 1. Salaries: r - nIZ (a) Librarian ................ 1......................... $ 2,34.00 (b) Assistant Librarian ... .......................1,620.00 (c) One Assistant ..... .................... 1,50.0 (d) One Assistant .................................... 1.380.00 (e) Two Shelveirs, Part Time..............................sso.oo (f) One Janitor........... ............................... 1,266.00 icî..... ............ .......... .. $.00w g................... .................7.0 ..... ...400.00 es .......... . ........500W.00 vements..... »............................ ...... 600.00 rig ... ... . . .... ... ... " ' 150.00 le and -Express . .. . ........................ 15.00 Ilanéous.... 100.00 one ..... 50.00 ne .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. 150.00 and Water ..... ......... 400.00 TOTAL SEWIEWAND DRAINS....*..... CATCHBASINS 1. Labor....................................S 65000 2. Katerials ........ ......................................... 200.00 TOTAL CATCHBASINS .....................f STORM SEWER PUMPING STATION 1. Saais . . ..................................$ 2,409.00 2. supplies...... ....... ............. .............. 6... 100.00 3: Pogroe and Light............. ............... ..... 0.0 & boratory Expense .. j ........ lth Cetter .. . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . . k Inspection............. .... ýtment and Examination of School Childre........ od and Restaurant Inspection ........ ...... . 4 tMaintenance for.Nurse .. .............. 3 td ranemi................... ............... TOA EALTII DE .PARTmwE:~ 'f . .. . . . jp 4.552-90 1remium................... .................... TOTAL POLICE MAGISTRATE...........I.. $2,720.00 TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE PURPOSES ........................ 284,599.40 SPECIAL FUNDS - GARBAGE, 1. Collection Labor........... .................. ...........1,000 SIGNS IN CHINESE Hedy Lamarr, besieged by more than twenty Chinese. children for au- tographs on the "Lady of the Trop- les" set at M-G-M, found out from the technical adviser how te sign her name ini Chinese for the kiddies. KE uS r O N Leslie Fenton, now directing "Stronger Than Desire,", says that he always directs with bis bat on. In fact ', he's neyer directed a scene with it off. "Just a superstition," be I s$ 5.200.00 $81«0.50 470.0 1,550.00 411,060.0 $ 8.950.00 - 1

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