Koehne Photo Miss Marykai, Jones of, 309 Greenleaf abenue,. Wilmette, is; one of two chairmen. for the Penthouse Prance,. the second annual event of ts. kind'spon- sored jointly by the Young Peo- ple's clubs of St. Francis Xavier and St. Athanas jus churches. The dance, a summner formai,' takes place on the Orrington roof Fridlay evening, Jitly 28. Opera Guil's Fiesta Changed, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hinshaw entertained a group of Mr. H i n - shaw's fraternity brothers of Delta Phi and their wives. at a garden party, at their home, 2022 Kenilworth avenue, on Friday evenmng, July 14.. About fil ty guests were present for a buffet supper. Lanterns, lighted: the garden, and an, accordion player was, there *to, entertain the ýguesta and play accompaniments for, col- lege and fraternity songs. AIR-CONITIONED! FAMOUS MID SUMMER. SALE1 Amazmng Reductions, Up, to ½/2 SWEATERS Imported cashmeres, botany and shetlands., Angoras, zephyrs, cuna's, cotton novel- Thursday, July 2 o, i.ç the date jet for the start of this annual, eagerfy awalled'event ... Milburn's famous ALL SUMMER DRESSES Piquets, Sugar-sacking, linenS!, ginghams, prints, plains, spuîn Dine Ouf of Doors on the Marine, Porch DeIightfui Dinners .... $ 1.50 REAIIb THE WANT ADS, 'I