y> the from 7 cene of S The Wilnmett e Chamber of. Corn- merce, which sponsors the affair, met with some comiplications ti which the weather man was con- cerned. Terrific rains precluded any possibility of proceeding with the parade on Monday eveininig as plan-. ned,. and it was reluctantly post- poned untilTuesday evening. 'This had the effect ,o! reducing the num- ber of turnouts, somne who had pre- pared for the original date.flot, be- ingable. to particpate on Tuesday evening. Contributmng, also was: the rain, which damaged some displays to a point where they could flot be replaced in. the short time ava il- nA deughter, Gloria Ann, was born Ib t b K t m Sturday, July15, -at the Evanston Il hospital to Mr.- and, Mrs. Paul A. Il ULlQUART. Nichol, 522 Central avenue. The IlNichols also have a daughter, Il Audrey, Helen. .35I ILETVRN FROM EÀST Mrs. Arthur* K. Lee, 517. Cunoér road, Kenilworth, returned last week from a two weeks',motor trip WILMTIIto Cape Cod,. where she Visited Mrs. Paul Wilkinsoni,'her. niece.. Mrs. Lee CONFECTIONEyV madetetn ith her sister. and luit y*<,, »r other, and their return included a _______________________drive through Vermuont. m ___ __ mq ~'Fr'Conter i' u '- T DOESN'T UIIIA FMI"Shanu% or sai COOK AWAYI SELECTED CINTER SLICED HAM STEAKS................... lb. @ WIOLE Olt PULL SHANE HALF . b. 39c FULL BUT, HALF................ 1.....................b. 41 c k-b. t t t ~ £Miss Marîon Woolhise-r, of Win- ,netka,'who plays under the ten- isbanner- of the Skokie, Country, club, recentll, won the Western Girfls 'and N o r t h Shore, Girls chamApionships. She is the. daugh- ter of! Mr.é and,.Mns. H. L. Wool- hiser Qifl (rrdi-.q vblmm netka.IAttractive Entries However, the parade feature was declared a great succ-ess because ' f i - -- i ome ufltsùa~lY beautiM l 'nd unique ea ro t entries. Notable among these was j that of Frank Hlavacek, fiorist at 235 Ridge road, and Paul H. Gather- BY Tom Lucas coal con-pany, awning manufactur- Addition to Fleet ers at 938 Spanish court. Decorated Throgh te curtey o Stehenautomobiles and bicycles also dlaim- Throgh he curtsy 0 St~he ed mnuch attention from observers Shimonek, the Sea Scouts h ave!aogtesrestaesd another boat to use. Mr. Shimonek j1aogtesrestaesd bas donated his eighteen-foot sloop' As stated, the big two-day event for use for 'five days out of the j will end at midnight tonlght (Thurs- week. We tharik you, Mn. Shi. day). Many -of the most interesting rnonelc! 1I ýfeatures anPer fon te e -- FREE 50c Value Orchid Eau de Cologne lmcu cnzU Block Raspherries be- twem tw@ loyers of anot her Sea Scout boat. ScoutZ Ev- Stores, shops and offices were -erett Ecenbeck has Jùst finished'j generally closed Wednesday after- work on a sixteen-foot Snipe slop noon, the holiday giving en-ployees The boat was put in the water and and pÏopnietors alike opportunity to rigged this week. As yet she has no oin in the fun and frolic of their name but that is easly remedied. ofwnspeildy.Telrg rw We hope hier saiîing qualities are oYeterday fonecasts a tremen-. as fine as hier looks. Friend "Eck', dous thnong on the grounds tonight. is to be .congratulated. Name Award Winners SoeealCsuiw Awands for the best decorated en- Soia Cuietries in the street panade were. as This last we swthe bannnfallowst Mr- Benzing %will jinr hi J for One week during their vi ,.I ý ý m- il 1 A w