tress, spends her leisure cultivating Charles Hlby and he admits 1his job ~J. na aomgsunc flowers in her garden and her roses, is a snap. stage recently. The crooner was, flor a show s n iteinshdevea Hiby sits in a wheel chair fror working with a group of kids for her spare time to sculpture, at hning humbtwilefl ng te ncan wdls on a nearby stage Fairbanks was which she is unusually talented. smikinhuabsighiettfilm techniclans ________________and "juicers" focus the camera and frsm rokigaciate betwenscne GOING HOLLYWOOD arrange the set lights. Hiby will do for "ulerof athe eas."nfr n nothing but just sit as outstanding Bn okatyblonfo n Two members of the cast of "Ou "sit-in." pinch-hitting for William of the youngsters. It slipped fromn Town," Pulitzer prize play, have Collier, Sr., who plays his entire his fingers and rose swiftly to a quit the stage to play ini pictures role in a wheelchar. huge vent. The draft sucked the bal- this RîImmer, Thev are Thomas Co-___________ on into the vent and hurtled it to