of wanderlust that he can seldom be found at his home address. He makes a business of, roaming frorn town to town, state to state, and at tis very Minute is on a journey to .Alaska, sppoedly in trann for a rounid-the-world cruise. But it isn't our story, even thougli its hero be a fellow villager. It really belongs to a reporter for the "iS.* S. Aleutian Broadcast,", which is. that steamrship's weekly news bulletin.ý He tells it in two parts, but the, "Broadcast" isn't such a large paper, and its news is.printed in pica. typewriter type. To avoid leaving readers'in the agony of sus- pense the* two are'. condensed into one, making it read like this: Interviews Traveler -While in our travels aiter gossip for this column the other day, we somnehow wound up in Number Two ia tch, and liad a very interesting cersation QRwih hat salty seafar-7 ing persoflality, Captain Skippy Ar- cus. The old boy sure has a snug stateroom down there, and hle was enjoying it to the nth degree. -It's a far cry from the fair city of Wilmette, Ill., to the icy wastes of Alaska, especially when your heart is pining for the loved ones that were left behind." So spoke Captain Skippy, veteran traveler. Hie related that since lie last broke niue the past îwo weeks, returned to their home Sunday morningý. Mr. Nutt, who has. been soutli on a busi- ness teip during lisfamily's vi Sit in Wilmette,, spent the w#eekç-end here and tlien -accompanied them home. Mr. and Mns. Nutt's older daugliten, Martha Louise, is at Sarid- stone1 campe, Green Lake, Wis., for the sumnmer term of five.*weeks, the samn1e- camp whieh lier motlier, as the former Phyllis Small attended when a child.. Norman J. Collins of 630 Elm- wood avenue, lias jugst returned fnom a trip to the west coast and tlirougli the. Canadian Rockies. He will- enter tlie, University of Wiscon- sin at Madison i September. Our, An. ICaro,,, iii **tl t*u.fl*VLlIfr ivineut, wnere v *L** and Mrs. Brashears wiU remamn for another montli and a hlaf. nual idSale e Ui. 9634-5 Renwd the FontAda