Leave on Extended. Tour Through West Miss Ruth Phelps and, ber sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F.. H. Butow Of Evanston, left last week for a tour of, the West. They zen, camne fromn Luenen, Westphalia, will visit the Black His, Yellow- Germnany. His ancestors long before stone* National 'P&rk, and. in Lake hlmn were Biblican ýdramratists and Tahoe, Nevada, will ineet Mi ss lie bas been trained since cbildhood Phelps' fatber, Edwin Pbýelps, who to enact.leading roles of tbe Passion will -go W i th. them..t'O California, Play. He bas appeared before more where tbey wili, soe the Fair. than 2,'500 audiences on the-Ameni- Mr. Phelps will stay in Cali- can stage, botb in the United States fonnia. but the others will go on to and Canada, and bears, the reputa- Sait Lake City.a n d, Den ve r, tion'of 'being one of the world' s out-1 Colo., 1wbere thëy will visi t MiÉss standing Christus portrayers. Phelps' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Lyons. In Lincoln, Neb., they will visit their cousins. Dr. Minîter*s Isandand M~rs. Joe 'Sm' th. 'rhey wîilb. Cailsto To risthome about the middle' of August. Ini Northeast Canada -I "Baybottom Road" is as true as its name. e~or hours of the day it is thoroughly concealed by the waters of Passamaquoddy Bay, lying twelve feet under water at higbi w Enrol Your Boy Today! bûen graciously Opened to, the pub- lic and it is one of the favorite drives of guests at nearby Algon- quin Inn, the colorful seaside colony at St. Andrews-by-the-Sea. Richly wooded and beautlfully gardened, Minister's Island is on the flnest and most enviable estate in Canada. In the early days of its history, this sea-girdled spot was a crown grant to English clergymen who * 15 - - - p1 -e-C os9t Every boy who's ever been there -and every parent who bas sent a b on-agrees that thus is the. ideal vacation plan for boys. Just 50. .miles from Chicago, on a beauti- ful, acenic private lake, your sou will have the safest and boit vaca- tion of bis lite. Ho'!! get expert attention and enjoy particip~ation IsIoad- l1ULA 1LLeinl uLaIIM mi tnd;twin.bed room wîth bi 4 DAYS, $37z; MNW&Eruot Wamuw 313 Pemu.aa» me WUnsU4983 Win tve furtimer laormI 110W Amnerican ~iI