menciable. Hie praised the legisiature and Governor Horner for endorsing the new actuarial reserve retirement system for te achers in Illinois, the new permanent basis of stateequali- zation.assistance.-to.high schools, the in creased equalization assistanlce té, elementary -schools, the new state aid towàrd the transportation of pu-, puls, 'more, adequate local support for non-high school districts, greater appropriations for. special. schools, and a more efficient 'school. fund *distribution law. The secretairy regtetted that unît districts were denied the privileges of local support guaranteed té oth- eareas, but expressed pleasure that such districts could nowý qualify for state'equalization with-a local. rate of $1.50 for educational purposes. 1Mr. Pearson stated in conclusion, -Regretting deeply the fact that we did not gain administrative support for stte ssstanc~e, t .al l hgh sehools, a nd regretting that no prog- ress, outside of provisions for retire- ment, was made in the teacher per- sonnel areas such as tenure, certi- fication, minimum wage, etc., we nevertheless feel that this session of the legisiature mnade real progress toward the solution of many prob- lems in school finance, reorganiza- tion, and administration. We thank the general public .and the Sixty-first General Assernbly for the progress made in educational legislation,", Sisters and Brother Have Separate V acations The children of Mr. and Mrs. War- ren S. Hillis, 906 Greenwood avenue, have been vacationing ini varlous parts of the country this summer. Their son, Scott, returned last week fro m Twin lakes, Mich. He had spent' a month at Camp Houghteling, near the lakes. Susan, their older daughter, re- turned recently fron-i loomfield r, 1-'S A genuiae General Hectric Refrigeator with 11.7 sq. (e. of sheif ares. 5years performance pr tWctofl. 11 29 Centfral Avenue. WiImefte g ~ s fmm1 - -m w Iii 1 ý 01:9