Saturdoy an Swundq Specid I' BRICK IE CREAýM. FULL QUART lad s t .1 a. L±afe!y vF o ant to take :>en i. renuous taking.. i itest>i r. Dam- method ) of i- flnera Western railway by the* federal courts. Another Wnnetka man, Benjamin Wham, 1103 Spruce street, was appointed, on August 1, by th~e sarne court to succeed Mr. Thom- son, as trustee of1 the Chicago and Eastern Illlnols road. Both men, active in, local. and na- tional law. circles, are mnembers o! Chicago law firms. Mr.. Thomson is* with Chaprman. an d Cutier, Mr. Wham. a ipartner in WhaÉM and O'iBrien. Mr. Thomson was a. judge',o! the Cook countyý circuit court in 1915, was ý presideklt.o! the Chicago Bar association in 1936, and is a present delegate from Illinois to the Ameni- can Bar assoçiat ion. A graduate of Washington and Jefferson universi- ty, Mr. Thomson sat ini the Chicago citvý couneil from 1910-1912 asR a ren- Mr. Wham,' a graduate of the Uni- versity of Illinois, is second vice president. of the Illinois State Bar association anid a former chairman of the cormnittee on bankruptcy o! the Chicago Bar association. 'He is also a member of the Law club of Chicago and the Legal club. ----Re is a widely known authority on project is of keen interest to the entire railroad industry for. it is the only plan of reorganization o! a class A railroad which hias been ap- proved by the 'Federal courts and the Interstate Commerce commis- sion, and therefore has become a test case. The plan, which he. help- ed to formulate, now awaits the ap- proval of the security holders. mer Wilmette Village trustee, is schedulecf as a speaker at thie District Seven convention of the American Society of Civil Engi- neers, at Hou ghton, M ich., Au- guat 24-26. The and Tt n College of Mining y will be host to the Coming Rapidly For Big Dog Showi With regîsrations pouring:;iii the Shore Land, Kennel ehih'g, IBernice llickman, young Chicago soprano, wifl sing with the federal mugie project's IlUnois Symphony orchestra in theseventh concert of the free.outdoor "Starlight Symphon- ies" Wednesday eveninig, August 23,, ,Wn Wilmette amphitheatre. Albert Goldberg wvill conduct 'the prog ram. which is the last one in the series. Well Known Here, Miss Rickman, who is the. soprano soloist at Ken.ilworth Union church, will sing the aria "Je dis que rien ne mn'epouvante" from. the opera "Car- men". by Bizet. She yill also. sing the aria "lina. voce poco. fa", fromn "The Barber of Seville" by Rossini. She is heard weekly on national ra- dio programs w ith. a well known Chi- cago choral. group. She is a member o! the facultyof the School of Musie at North Park college. The concert will open with the overture, 'Le Baa'uffe Ohiozzae«e,- by Sinigaglia. This sélection will be followed by Dohnanyl's Suite for Orchestra. Following Miss Rick- man's first song, the orchestra under' the baton o! Mr. Goldberg, will play, the Last Spring by Grieg and' the Dance of the Buffoons from "The Snow Maiden" by Rimsky-Korsakoff. Thé program will close with Tschai- kowsky's Capriccio Italien. The Programn 1 . Overture, "Le Baruffe Chiozzotte' ("The Quarreling People of Chii- OzzO"), Opus 32... .... Sinigagia I.Suite fo'r Orchestra Opus 19 .... .".....Dolinàn Andante con vajriazjonj- Scherzo Roxnanza Rondo Inltermission III. Aria, "Je dis qlue rien ne mepouj. vante" fromn "Carmen"..Bizet Bernice lUckznan IV. The Last Spring ........... Grieg V.Dance of the Buffoons frorn "The Snow Maiden" . .Rrnisky-Korsakoff VI. Aria, "tYna voce poco fa" fromn "The Barber of Seville" .. Rossini Berni ce Rlckrnan VII. Capriccio Italien, Opus 411.-......... Tschaikowsky, Kieéber Promoted Read eh. Yaii Adà tary of the avenue, Chi Mrs. Raymond Smith of 1210 Wash- ington avenue returned Mondlay from Des Moines, Iowa, where she had been visiting friends and relatives. for several day,.