Major Eclward Bouma, for 20 years a member of Vie faculty anld for 16 years commandant at Morgan Park Militaryj acad- efy. who will head the new. Pis- takee Bay Sclool for Boys at McHenry. Ill. FOaIlTours- Abroad HoId Muich interest A common fallacy has it that the- season for travel in Europe auto- miatically ends on Labor Day. According to this fallacy, the at-: tractions of the Old World are more or less stage-managed, with the, fin- al curtait> falling the first week 'of' September and the American tourist audience then picking up, bag and baggage,. to return home. To itroduce travelers to the glor- 4.The two weeks post season inaug- urated at Camp Shorewood in WiI- *mette last year engendered. so much enthusiasm that it wjll be repeated this.summer. Mgany of the children' now attending are, enrolled for the additional twro weeks, and a number' of.other boys -and girls are coming ini for that period. Many.parents. feel -that the camp activities and out-of-door life are particularly valuable to a child just b elf or, e -beginnfing the, confining months of the school ye ar and that he is better prepared'physically to, face the rigors of the.winter*months. à Offer Added Attractions There will be the same -ca mp ac- tivities of the regular season; and added attractions will. be. more. fre- que nt trips to places. of interest. hikes and picnics. A favorite with, the older children is a -canoe and, boat trip along the, shore. with a beach.,pienik as the goal. An over-night stay at the camp with other children of his age group is a special thrill for any boy ori girl, On these occasions after cook-I ing supper on the beach there i usually* a treasure hunt and always' songs around the campfire and a, marshmallow roast before bed time. 'Many children spend a week or two at camp for the fun of sleeping in the screened cottages and kihowing, the thrill of real camp life. are made ciuring thle assembly pe-, rriod twice a week when the children are entertained by dramatizations or "stunts", put on by the various groups and ail join in singing camp songs. At Camp Shorewood boys and girls fromn 3 to 13 may attend full- time, full days or'haif days. Betsy N. Shapker is the director. N orth Shore Visitors Pos Seson, Opns for 2 We.ks, Ange 2M IREDUCTION- UN RATES Ail Camp ActIvifIet ,Take advanmage of ti.saving Haif Day-IFuli Day-Fui TMme Mua. Reaaésoem N Ào Writwe, eephnor See 82Michigan Avenue. Wimette lmG J'ose ph S. Royal, 85 street, Winnetka, receiv certificate of gradutionm fi Sumner Cavalry school CulIver Military academ u4rdal,. A;zgust 19. ei-hurst, Wis., where she camper for the remainde season and for two week5 camp. Mr. and Mrs. Roeý their daughter, Carol. wei visitors at, the camps. as and Mrs. C. E. Snell of 5Oak Enjoy a Week-End ed his fEo*fa romn the iy Sat-Hieland Lodge. - a Golf & Country Club will bea Governor's ffighway (49) or Route 45 to Kaukakee, East 5 miles on r of the Route 17 to Big Hieland sign s of post ssle.r andl ýre recent, were Mr. 661 Bluff RETURN FROM WEST Mrs. Victor Metzger and her two daughters, Frances and H rriet Ann. and. Mrs.' Metzger's motrer Mrs. ILewis B. Springer, returned to their I home at 154 Maple avenue, Wil- mette, Sunday morning, August 20, after a seven weeks' trip west. '1'hey visited San Francisco, Yosemifte Val- ley, Old Mexico, Santa Barbara, and IBoulder Dam, and then spent four J weeks in Los Angeles. Mr. Metzger Ail Expense Rates Saturday Noon thru Sunday Noon $55 IVoniieritl Hoe.Cothed Meula CHicxEN DiNNERs, STEAKS, CHoFs, SALADS AND TAsTr1 SANDWICHES, COCKTAIL BAR AND LOUNGE For Reaeruaffou, Phone Kanlçakee 5200 orWrite Hieland Lodge, St. Anime, Ull. with your 8tay St *tohrbacherWe. D8i0us for. ihhing, weil-keptinadividiul los cottages among bârches- and pines faciug the lake . . . and excelent meua smd in the, main lodge. Safe suudy beaca for childrea. Reaspuable rate&. For Complet. Vacation Sate acion, Vrit. for Feuue RONRICHEIS RESORTI Cuowl.l gStuiun l., lucdu Rumb«a.1Wis. GUVEOJW7,GEIWA IW BAY e f EBERLE AGENCY IN7SýURAN('E SERViCE 522 Gi-cer Bay Road, Wirinef ka 858 1