ffl U ire cpartoUlU. dim anssd suren&u.Ri alw&Yuon htmd. Get ~ib glst'sYour monoy baci by4 Lwmnc. Edwi 79c Hgea!the common people to us in "The y Vardis F1e-Harper & Brothers- GoodEarh,"novels have been wrît..Nw ol tnabout the limities, Chinese YNdRoehi Em CU S sene It s a fetil fied, or ereA committee of erninent literary Oc&la. hey ehould inlay be foutnd every varlety-of life, figures were evidently sufficiently not only to relleve from fabulous wealth to direst pov- ilae ihVri ihrsnvl ad atter effecta. For erty, and a great social upheaval is "Cildrenoëo, oaadi h Iny, Judtw ial bof- trying tolyuusralequalize- the tWo, witli the.. anriual Halîrper prize. The, task of mml ,Japanese atcng, and, tlus reunit- vindicating this dec!iin would, 1 ALýig tbese warring ele ments.* Mr. Fiher peentnedhbs' eers kH m Utjâe. 'Thsis luthe most Illluminating of M.withe inruction ofsmeason anyof tbe Chinese novelsI have wtn nrdcinf:ofesr n read becéause it is so inclusive. The..which hieexplained exactly wat fhe, great. Lo fatnily, wealtbyi -arist)crat- was. trying to do. Asonforsne o ie, lived in a palace In :Hong-Kong. talle far 'short, o r s hne bte and herethe atrircb uledhisthose criteria which are* generally EEl( Wives and: children. and prayed for appflied to novels and in terme 0of sons. Wben. finally a rebelljous ýWhicb Mr. Fisher's work seems to Young daughter, ýnamed Aprocot, akboth profunidity and icomplete- who refused to bind ber feet like thel ness.. S..other women, fied from the palace Af ter the Munich conference St@iy of Mormn an mta ougAmrca, h hd John. T. Whitcsker <above), for- 'The' "Children 'of God"1 are' the to seek refuge in the slums of ber rED TIMEÉ city, wbere bier son was born. 'n e egn correspondent of the ".1Chï- Mormons, and -it is the story of the: founding., the sufferings, the wander- ard Wat&in boy, Felix Lo, grew up and learn'ed cago Daily News," asked hia Pa- Ings anxd the work 'of- those remark- to work, and to support bis mnother, Per to send thim to South Ameriea. ably stauncb and devout people till finally wben the plague. took off In "Ameritças to tlie South" . Pub- whkeh Ibis nove!, purports to tell. Gre. 0227, Ute other grnd o Oold Lo;' Félixesoyfisinotovr ra ~ISJ.was welcoined back to the palace as lished ths month by Macmillan Tesoyflsit w eyboi the heir. With the fortune he tbus he tels of the most interesting periods, each domninated by the fig- inheite, ad wih hs nturl wi thngshe iscoere thre.ure of one man. Ths first of these in b rit d, n d ltb bis n at ral w it thi g a e d sc o ere th re.is J o se p h S m ith , th e l a r rn-b o y ýe.ýand the experience he had i turn- orophet, wbose visions and wbose g $ing every penn~y to account durî bih er fpvry ebcm n as "I hope I arn aware of rbetoric formed the theological as well. as the bistorical origin of Mor of th gratfinncalpowers of wbat tbe reader wants to know monism. The second figure is tbat China. about these countries; wbat sort of of Brigbamn Young,- the forceful and Felix started a family of bis owfl epeihbtte;hwte ie,èfcetia h e h omn and married two wives, ini order t opl ih bl fr th et Mn 1nd h0 ave sons. The daughter, of the and .wbat prolm and aspirations ,,,om thlr persecution inIliois ad Se. lied days, ro- iurd . -. sail and en route tue Canadian )wen Soud ît and Cleve- It!lln iornaonalisrm tat wae where; and finally wat al these ý1,0put .a stop tothe practice-of sweeping the land, Jade became an thing aieY to te peaceanMorpmonevbrs active Comnmunist and was known lI a o h ec n a-lees as The Torcb, for ber ability topeeýg: of the people of the United Leadlers' Rotes important arouse Jhe people ini îittîe cîties to States. These are the thinge .I want- The character of these pioneers the cause. Pearl on the other hand, ed to know.pt was so rermarkable, and the para]- married a . young Chinese doctor,' ________ lel between the persecution and big- wbose lite was dedicated to thie serv- otry they taced and certain present ice of his people, and ber farnily Popular SOI1 day manifestations is so obvious, bcame a nucleus for yet another With the appearance of a new htamn fM.Fsersltrr ideology. And Felix, who bad bîm- book of stories by 0. Henry, . 60skill could hardly bave written any- self rebelled. against the traditions Henry Encore" t ecme t iant , thing about them whieh wuld nnt mh fl te best we e anY bis torical novel.