IULT»48-tfc brick. cernent md'.atome work. .Tuck ate iunusaly are atonsIdea f alake -or u ron tratulng wal NUBME T WEL WINN. -2m. 2114TN4-tfé CARENTER & GENERALREPAIES; sce -mit.ataira, raIling, rec. rra. wood, &awnlng. porches, cabinets, gar.. kit. chenu reniodeled. A.. Luke. WIL 4M. 21LTN13.ltp PLASTERIlNG.ý Stucco epatre, relnimbe& G. A. Thursby Wtinimetfe *M 21LTN14-4tp its PAINTING AND DECQRATIMS MELVIN SKOLNIK'S MODERN DECORATING SERVICE SANITAS, CANVABING. PAPEP1IAG- ing. Our apeclalty washlng waUa, wood- work that doesmot Iwrt the surface. Floors mode like new by dustlesa mgchinery. Our~ work ls dône to your satisfaction. Good refs. and best mai. a4 lowest prices. TEJL. WMLMETTE 3413. 25LTN16-tp1 I. SKOLNIK1 COMPLET;E DECOPLATING SERVICE1 1Itft*pr--ext«v4r. Wmlnamer - eeini and d. Gu almf4AWhile summner prices stillprevail EjM get a jump on the season by having the renovating done betore the actual necessity for, repairIng. occurs. unecx vour home - con- sidering the wafls, ceilings, paints,. as well as the advisability. of installing manulation, woatherstrlppinig,...etc. Enlist the aid of the skiled labor advertised in, these columns. Free, estimates and. timély suggestions are. only a' part- o! the excellent services rendered. là8 UPHOLW ERINC AND REPAURU_ - UPHOLSTERING Reupholsterlng - recovrering Custom work. Rteasonable E. B»Und Wîb VI sewl ng 607 Dei *rewebbinir Lprices. ilMette 3219. T2LTN1.ltp, caner= m é Est. tvicE SPANIEL. '"Fopper." Forest Av lowegt. N13.4tp or coun PUtajnaft. ite *ceOnt. ireU L53 c sed. 3 mosý v and even b. - - - - I 80 WEAnit4G APPAREIL WOMEN'S SUMMER, AND WINTER dresses, size 14-16. Boy's fur-trimmhed jacket,. navy coat anld vest, overcoat,. size 14.16!Wirin. 29M6 .8OL16-ltp LADYS BROWN XIDT UR COAT-FOR sale. Size 14. In good condition. ,-Cali Wlmette '3117, 80LTN6-ltp> WOMAN'S GRAY SPRING COAT. ALSO- tailored. suit. Size. 18. Winnetkig 1330. 8BOLTN16.ltp 742 Cu SIBUSINESS oppoRTùNITriEs *SANDWICH SHOP FOR SALE. NO REA- sonable offer refused. Cali Ravenswood 5426. 8ILTN16-ltc 67 REAL ESTATE LOANS W'E HAVE FUNDS AVAILABLE NOW for imme<iate, conimitmeint on FIRST MORTGAGE At 4%, 41/.c-, 5%/ Interest on modern homnes which qualify ALSO F.H.A. LOANS McGUIRE & ORR, Ine. Over 45 years of Dependable Service. 530 Davis St., Evans. Wil. 228. Gre. 1080 87LTN10.t CONSTRUCTION LOANS WANTED GEORGE T. COONLEY reis. mVs. anaers.en,, kiog£W. £vil'UODm arte 7 p. m. 94NLT33-ltp U. S.1 GIRL WISHES WORKB Y HOUE, DAY OR EVIENING. EXIPERIENCED. WITH CHILDREU. WIPNNETKA 2917. 1IST FLOOR MAIb. EXPERf. COOK., $15;' and. se'onid floor girl, $12, would like' jgost;on .together; accustomed -to large. ornes. Winnetka: 4189. 9ý4LTN,16.litp COOK <$16); SECOND MAID ($14), practical nurse ($18)- want: positions with familles.golpng to -Fia. for winter. Write B-264, Box ou0' Wllmet te Ill. 9kLTN6-ltp EX. OLRED WOMAN WA N TS leundry, cleaning,. cooking and serving dinners, Tuesday, Thursday, aturday. Sunday, $3 a day. Day. 7607. 1937 Wesley. 94LTN16.ltp WOMAN WISHES WORIC BY THIE HOUE or week. Laundry,. cleaning, lroning or staying wîthi chlldren. References. Cali Davis 2865. 9$ILTN16.4tp LAUNDRY OR CLEANING DONE BY ,ericieoa4womàn-nby 4Iy -or hour. ÂIso children caret! for evenings. Wil- mette 623. 9ILTN16-Itp RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRy work Tues., Thurs., and Friday. Best N. S. refs. Morning work also. Glencoe 1004. .94LTN19-itu, RELIABLE COL RED MW~AN;S mrning or evenîng work. Momning preferred. 5 days. Gre. 8446. 94LTN16-ltp GENERAL HOUSEWORK, FUJLL TIME, FOND 0F CHILDREN. GO OR STAY. Good-reference. Greenleaf 1835, UPHOLST.ERING GEORGE GELLAS Expert furniture repairing, carving and! parts replaced on antiques. also re- toUching. and! refinishig on damaâget! furniture. Aiso carpentry and screens. 745 Asbury ave., Evans. Uni. 7912.668.. 95TN15.4tp *Windows Need,.Puttying? GOOD) WORK DONE, BY EXPERI. encedman. By job or hour. North. _____WHY? gSdrfeencea. NePle ~s-glBINý';CENTRALDomAGENCIES MLE.n. CO oRE wn. Glencoe 748 Elm Street Wlnnctka 2903 Cli Alvie at Dav. 98 6ILTN16.ltp 9ILTN1O.2toc 2101 Ichifle