5 ROOM UFUNSHED OUTSmE AÀPT. ,à block from lake. $ee Janitor. 1508g loth St. Wilmette. 2LN-tj INIAN HILL MODERN 211à - 4 RM. APTS. NEAR transp>., higb & grade schools. Ph. WINNE9TXA 418. 128LTN16-ltC 5' SUNNYROOMS' ON CORNER 2nd floor.. Aduits.. Available.Oct. Ist. Cal Wilmette 557 for appt. 12$LTX16-ltp 3FURISHEu ROOMS FOR LIGHT hsekeeping. Occupaincy about Sept. 15th or Oct.. lst. 3i block from N. S. and -L" transp.Employec;cople preferreti. Gîve refs rt -5,Bx 60, Wilmiette, 111. 129LTN16ltp FOR RENT UNTIL MAY 1ST. FUR- nished .5 room aprtinent. 996 Linde Avenue, Hubbard Wooda, $80 a mnonten Phone Winneth-a 115. 129LTN16-Itp WELL.FURNISHED 4 RÎM. APT. TO sublet. Near transportation. 918 Lin- dien Ave., Hubbard Wds. Wnek 90 130 WANTED 70 mENr-ApTEs. GARAGE APT. OR 30OR 4 RQOMS WITH BATH. NO CHILDREN. CU NC OC'rOBER 1. CALL EVENINGS, GLEN- COE 1656. 130L16ltp WANTED - APARTMENT OR IUQOMS FOR COL. MAN, WIFE AND CHILD, Glencoe 1522. 130L16ltp 133 FOR NENT-HOUSES Modern~ English brick,. 30-ft. living roomi beated sun rooni. large scr'eened porcir, breakfast roomn, 3 bdrms., beated. sleep- ing porch, 2%, batbs, où ht. Att. gar.' -$135 Mo. Frances J. Winscott EXCLUSIVE AGENTS -6114 Willow Road Winnetka 1267 133LTN16ltc . GLENCOE 53Monroe -Ave. White English br'ick1 Lets talk it Uver. M0e buyîng See Sears for SEARS REAL Wlnnetkqa 3M9. De'arborn 3370 133LTN16-Itp EVANSTrON. CHA*RMING SMALL OME, screen porch, 011 ht.,' attached garage. $75. GLENCOE. 11/2, blocks from lake. 5 bed- rms.., 3 baths, screen. porch, .-oil lt., 3-car garage. $140. Will rent unfurnished. Carolyn V,.Lang Excluisive Agents Wneka.1194 WILMETTE - NEWLY 'REMODELED 5 room and sleeping porch home. Good transportation, schools andi shopping. Available Sept. 1 $70- year; $65-2,years. -MeGUIRE & ORR, mec. 530 Davis St., Evanston Wilmette' 228 133LTN16.ltc GLENCOE--264 MARY STREET Attractive 6 rrm. brick bouse. Htd. ýsun. rm. off liv. rmn, 2 baths, 2 htd. upstairs sunrms. miaking 8 or 9 roorn elffciency; gàs or o11 ht. Close to sehool & transp. Must be seen to be appreciated. Refer.. requialçd. Pl. iicoe 1165 for pp&.,$ll5. 133LTN13-4tp 6 RM. BRICK COL. SUN ROQM AND sp. pb. glassed; bath, shower andi extra olt; gas, water heat; automnatie hot water. Gas ranges; elec. refrig., full storm windows; part insulateti; 1 c. gar. Large betige; screened lot; Forest Ave., Wi1mette. Gre. 5453 for appoint- ment. Possible concession. 133LTN16-ltp 130 -17TH ST. 1 ROQMS, 11,1 BATH, BRICK HOME, hot water heat; Available now or Oc- tober 1. EVANSTON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. WinnUeka LUWJ 1331 FOR RENT BY OWNER. 5 ROC dence in Ravinia: 2 blocks1 tion; aIl modemn convenien, water heat, plaster basernent fireplace, tile bath. 1721 Broati' Inquire in garage. 1331 STUNNING NORTHWE'STG. house-45 yrs. old-7 bedrms.,4 panelled library-carpeted i lb Neyer offerecl before. $275 per QUINLAN & TYSON, mnc. , 1i ESTAtE6 Keniiworth 5288 133LT1.t Ave. 136LTN16-ltji 4 OR 5 ROOM HOUSE. GARAGE, APT, or apartn-ent, furnished or unfurn.ý 7 Preferably Wînnetka. BY resposible couple. Winnetka 4336. 136LTN16-ltp WTD. TO RENT BY SEPT. IST. Small homne with 3 or 4 bdrmns. for $60 *or less. Between Evanston and High. land Park. Call Glencoe 411. 136LTN16-ltp 140 FOR RENT-msTroReS . OFFICES £ 501 PARK DR,, KENILWORTÎH Excellent location for' photographer, 1 men's furnishings, ladies' wear, etc.ý MeGUIRE & ORR, me. ffl.bavis St., Evanston Wilmnette 228 WINNETKA - GROUND FLOORSTORE or office. Troilet-lavatory,, heated. $50 or offer. Heinsen,.Realty. Wînnetka 254. 140LTN16-tc CENTRALLY -LCTDIDEAL 0F- FICE SPACE, 740 ELM ST.., WINNET.. KA. SINGLE OR ENSUITE; REAS. LEONARD H. ROACIT, WINNETKA 626. 14OLTN13-4tp 576 LINOLN AV.,WRINNETA Excellent location for photographer, men's furnishings. ladies' wear, etc. MeGUIRE & ORR, Ine. 530 Davis St., Evanston Wilmette 228 14OLTN16-ltc 147 FOR SALE-HOUSES WILMETTE'S BEST BUÛY LOVELY 7 RM. EAST SIDE HOME. LGE. llvrm., 31 by 14 ft.. with wood burning fireplace. 4 gd. size bdrms., 1' bath, Ige. closets vith sm. window n Oaeh. Gas uliy- vLustDe eenInidie LUo e apî' ciated. A. real buy from owner, HOC boan. Phone Harrison 6556 afternoons. 147LTN16.1 A REAL BEAUTY One of the North Shore's mnost distinctive andi complete, 6 room hoUses. -Frenceh NOrmandy -archie teeture. white brick onv I_______421______dLulbAe Aen 800 Davis- mp ~ ~ ~ Ra uos 2 Rcmnj Kenilworth 5288 [EATED SUNi 147LTN16-4te at, 2-car gar. s nos. or more. UI WISDOM ixBuyiNG BETN n«8Li61t ic,3 tri. HWH, Ige. sereened *Rmn. bon pcb. 2 c.g. Lot 100x,45' $11.000. * hetn LEEPING hE.tS. Wc RAGE. E. ISDOM & Co. Ground val 37Winn.. 387; Eves., WInn. 123.W.204 10Lne 134LTN16ltp 357 2MT 10O.Itpe omplete lavatory. 4 bedrns., oi et attached garage, and a high bedge around a dear littie garden', Sleeping and Sun porches tool 011 heat. Small cash, epayment and balance' FHA termhs to re- sponsible pur.chaser. One 'of the best lo- cations in Winnetka and o ly $16,500. MRS. FULLER & WM. PICKARD INC. 746 Elm St., Winn., Winn.- 3603 or Uni. 7444; 14LTN16.îtc EXCELLENT BIJY 228 -O1th St., Wlmette--East Side 3 blocks to North Western, sta- tion., Good 4 bedroom bouse, 1V2ý baths, hot water oi11 ht. Only $10,0007-$1,500 may handle. -Mr. Clarke. BAIRD & WARNER 790 Elm S$t., Wnnetka 2700. Briar. 1855 147LTN16lte WINNETKA. 3 large bedrooms and 1 small. Large- living> room with fire- place. Dining roomn, kitchen, sereened Porch. Lot 50 by 187 wîth shade. trees. 2 car garage. Coal cost $68 last year. C'trlWest Winnetka location. Near sehl'rs and transpotatlôn. Vet ofnh' $7,000. Easy terrns. MRS. F'ULLER & WM. PICKARD INC. 746 Elm St., Winnetka Winnetka 3603 or Universîitv 7444 1147LTN16 lc $13 ,500 T!HE ENG. COTT'AGE TYPE HOME beautifufly screened with pine plant- ing offers the best value in Indian Hill Estates. 3 bdrms., 2 tile baths. ls.t fi. la'v., recrea. rm., oil ht., att. gar.,. 65 ft. lot. Possession before Oct. lst., THE BILLS REALTY, Ic. boj'ne. Specifications'giveri. F. Wanner, Realtor.." 19. S. LaSalle, Chicago, State 5111io Rogers Park 1314 147LTN16-îtp PRICED RIGHT TO- SELL Out of town owner reduceti bis 61 rm ,12 bath S. 1. Wininetka bon ovenientîy 1ocated to) only $7.500. ALSO' Brick col., 7 rxhs., l11/ baths, cond- air ht., rec. room; att. garage, only $11.540 MILTON E. REID '& CO. 156 Greepn BR d- WifA-lA bEOCT. OP WILMErE 7 oni beau. wooded Ilot. Low alonea $5.000.t &l L E . ic.Excl. Agts. venue W-1, 407 147LeTe1.tc