ty-three undergraduate students ing home tifter spenciing te sum- ranked in the upper one per 'cent of mer at the Joy Cam'p s in Hazel- their respective sohools, while 418' hurst, Wis. ranked in the next highest nine per Miss Sally Royal daughter of Mr. cent. Only students who carried at and Mrs. Joseph Royal of 852 Oakj least'12 hours of work, throughout street is returning "1with all the hon- the 'semester were 'considered.. ors,", for' she tied for second placei uu fDC T FOR GIRLS GREEN FIELDS IPREIZURTORY' HIL JNIUO- Age 4tS 14 SCHOOL FOR BOTS. Over> arter cenuysucslu xerý Eoad7 and Country Day Sohool. ence ir Junior girls. SUCoSSIU1 Bo>ýâgsardln ôg T le.i M , Artasu &ration for' Rigb School or Acadely. 'ranch achool wbich succeffypo Charantng home life Liree fr-om. clty cdis- pre by fr aten lraoY tractions. Music. Dancing. lDraiatlcs. psCI boyI. s fo e. Âdr P iretor. French. Sports. Convenlent to Chicago. sc . ools ataog. Ademgane Catalog. SARAHI M. DAVISON, Box 4.A 0.__________1471.___ Beaver Dam, Wsconsin. i m Pttrnse OrwAdvertisers" Children and Parents Like the Chldren's School of the. National Colege of Education in Evanston Our Chldren's School is co-educa- tional. Al grades from nursery achool and kidergartefl through th grade. Wnrkis mde ntérest1jng -and play Fireproof buildings. Limnousine sçrv- 'ice. Hot noon lunch ifdesired. We invite you to visit the school. Write or telephone for catalog. Fal session opens September 20th. Tele- phones: Greenleaf 0221, Rogers Park 1807., Wilmette 4354., Clara Belle Baker, Director, 9Evanston,,111. n. ~au<1muv~ j fl, Onarga, rYoung ACCIIEDITW 32 yr. Cologe diplona- ùaiifers to N. W4, U. of I., etc. Ah.O 4 yr. H. S. Musi. Dramatics. lut. I>ec., Ceestunie Design, Art, Secretarial, Writ. tus. SwIm. Ridiug. Cauoing. Attractive social life. Part of MaY ut Seashore..Ac. ai North Shore .4lumae Club. Catalog: . S. agM , L. D., 1BotE Chambersblirg, Pa. in the back dive. Miss Joan Kostbade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kostbade, Jr., 120 Woodley road, won second place in the Pair Class of the horse show. Miss Dorothy Farringtofl is return-1 inýg to her home, at 1161 Laurel ave-1 nue. She is the -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Farrington. ON PILAYSRIOP BOARDe Lansing Hlinrichs of ,363 Sunset road,'Winnetka,, received word this- week from Purdue university that he had been elected to the Purdue Playshop boardi. He will serve as stage manager. Hinrichs, a junior In the Sehool of Chemical Engineer-. ing,, returnÉ to the university. Sep- tember 10. Miss. Helen Chancellor, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Justus Cha ncellor, Jr., of 1045 Forest avenue, Wilmette, has returned from Hazelhurst, Wis., whr sewas sailing anid general counselor at the Joy Camps. Sehool Consultant Mar jorie McLean Leary is the authorized School Consultant for this news magazine. Her serv- ices are offered free to ail read- ers and are made available to parents by appointments which can be arranged by contacting or, any other obligat ion. A Career With a Future Father or mother. Do you have a son age 23 to 30 ihat you would like to have get. a good start ont a business career? Well known executive in the personnel, training and sales promotion field will take a promislng young man as his assisý tant itot business with him. Moderate investment retquired. Gentile preferred. Address :-B-268. Box 60, Wilmette, 111. Màny of 'the old preParatory. and, flnîshing schools off ered an addi-, ~.tional year',s ' work to their sec- ondary school, g raduates, W h o Sdid not feel the, ~.urge to att end col- lege. Somnetimes Sthese co9u rse s were hbru s h-u p courses and offer- ed special prepa- ration for the Col- lege "Boôa rd En- Marori Lerv trance examina- Bermie Photo tions. Practically ail the courses of- fered additional work of a cultural nature, however. The real purpose of the Junior coi- lege is to go ahead with. the educa- tion, as the need rnay be. For. the young man or woman who will not attend a four-year college, there is no curb on the, diversity of the work taken, except the limitations of the school. Many parents with young 'or im- work taken can correspond exactuy with the freshman and sophomore work taken at college. The colleges will accept pupils from Junior col-, leges on their accredited lists, on the recomnmendation -of the school. The Junior college makes itpos- sible for the majority of young womnen. ho are not college-minded to do additional and careful work a1ong the lines of her interests. W. H. Callow, STUDIO BU] Sherman Avenue Uni. 3004