Thne convenmence ana corort' mus home has to offer is unusual for the price of See these ,and many other North.Shore properties« that meet, your size and price requiremnents in our- PHOTO TOUR. 0F HOMES. R. B. WHITAKER, 410. Green Bay Rd_, Winnetka, Winn,. 3250 Rogers Park, 7302 147LT17-ltc SURROUND, TÉIS, CHARMING WHITE Colonial, Country residence. While pure Colonial in design, this bouse is modemn in every respect. It. contains 9. roomns and 3'2 baths, and is completely insulated. The convenient location LD) WHITE BRICK-FRAME COLONIAL UNUSUALLY WELL BXILT, 2-YRS. olsa.liv, rrn., din. rai. Venetian shades, open scr. pch..1 recrea. rm., 4. bdrms., 2 baths, lst fi. lav. , oil ht., att. gar. An Oppotunity, to, buy a Kenilworth home right. THE >BILLS REALTY, Ine. 50DaIvis St. Gre. 1166 147LTN1-lte MON.E-ý FOR COQLLEGE THE FAMILY THAT BUYS, THIS ýFINE east Wil.. Colonial will save enough' money under the cost of a new house to send 2 children through college. $50.. a monthi will pay for principal,, int., and taxes alter $1,750 (20%) down, 7, rais.& saiall library.1 Ready now. Key at our of- fice or at 1034 Elaiwood, Wilmette. NORTH SHORE REALTY 523 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 81 147LTN4171tC~ $11,500--Attractive 6 room home with one of the finest gardeus li Evans- ton-2 handy porches, 2 car garage $14000-Sevei, rouais,. library, solari- um, 60 -foôt lot with view of lgke. Net living cost only $55 per mnonth. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 Wil. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 147LTN17ltce EAST KE.NILWORTH: In, a fine location * within eàsy walking distance of Kenilworth Grammar and New Trier Hîgh. schools - the kind. of home bard to find, - Brick, 8. roorns, 3. baths, 2 -porches. This home can be owned on a basis consider-* ably less than you c ould rent a simiûlar property in thîs neighbor-, hood. THE PRICE IS $18,500 Maintenance, heat, taxes, exceptionally 10w. McCUIflE & ORRnc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Davis St., Evanston. Wilmette 228 147LTN17-ltc $9,500 Charingmodernlzed older home lni East Wibwetka wlth fine garden; large living rm. wlth fireplaoe and bookshelves to ceiling, dining rm. with corner cup- board, kitchen, heatedsunrma., Iav. on Ist floor; large master bdrm. wlth con-. necting *Iav., 2 Other'.bdrrns., heated s lpg. porch, bath; modem furnace withai conditionlng'and oil burner. Frances J. Winseott 614 Wlllow Rd.: Winn. 1261~ 147LTN1l7-ltc YOU, MAY, THINK THE SORT of house you hoped to find just doesn't exist-but see if this isn't it! On a short, quiet street., wîtbin 3 blocks -of, Hubbard Woods School-ýLovely 100.ft. lot-A brick bouse, substantial and:attractive-' 5 bedrafis. and 3 baths. Now $23.- 500. Or, will rent at $175., QUINLAN & TYSON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 584 Lincoln Ave. Winn.17