Swls holEte between two Iay-; ers et Banaa Res. Ice Cream.' Snider-Cazel Dbrug WiImeff. and Central Cal ,Wilm.ft. 400 Ridge Ave.. .Pharmacy Lake and ýRidie, Road Cali, Wlm.ttfe 16 Officers of the American Garden- ers association, sponsoring group of the dahlia show held at Community House, Winnetka, each year, areý making arrangements for the iargest number of exhibits, in the history of. these shows. Members of the association who Staff. Photo have visited some of the North Shore CupÈ and trophies to. be awarded ini the annual dahlia show:to be, gardens whereý these stately blds- held at commtrnity house, Winnetka, on Septemùber 16 and il are; somis are being nurtured, under. the shotvn above. The show is sponsored by the American Gardeùers*' most scientific care -known to the association.--__prfsin declare the comiîng show ____-7-=_-.will be featured not only by qu;antity and variety of dahlias, but also. by Rep bliansPla Pu licSch olsof a quality that is seldom équaled. Labor -Da' Rally TotvnsipWllB ni eIWue soadfr Y .:possession of the splendid cups and d~wa~ ir trophies posted by the association, is Superior Court Judge Oscar F r S" vptae <er ' keen amnonggowrf these flo wers Nelson. for 25 vears* vice-president n rwr of the Chicago Federation of Labor, (Continued from page 5) throýughout the Chicago area. This, will be among the speakers at the the Skokie school, 520 Glendale ave- is the association's fifth annual ex- Rtepublican Labor Day rally at Riv- nue, the sixth, seventh. and eîghth hibit. The dates this year will be erviewPark,ÇhicagQ1 pMo d t- races. Saturday and Sunday. September mion, September 4, accordinri to an (l.eno a oos wllnt--pn loarIt 1' announcement made by Edward F. Moore, chairman of the Cook County GOP Central committee. Other speakers will be Congress- man James W. Wadsworth of New York, and State Senator William E, King. The meeting is being billed as the "Biggest Political Rally in Amer- ica.Y Last year 134,000 people were checked through the turnstiles at this pinus orf On IMns. Ca Injureti Mrs. Car street, is -.trtu buluus wt.accireis trations ail next week, and the office at the South school will be open for that purpose. Central school, 428 Hazel avenue, will have ail grades and kindergar- ten while the North school. 1000 Green Bay road, and the South school, 266 Linden avenue, house kindergarten and grades one through six. ui oaes . rýconomos', normhwest corner Of the village isý and Clarence Willard, Of in the Avoca district and the 1300 County Young Republican block on Chesntaeu si h ýon. lenilworth district. Kenllworth District Keriilworth school district, includes iri Schaeffer the entire village, as welî as the. 1300, block of Chestnut avenue in I in Car Cras~h Wiimette and all the village of Win- rl Schaeffer, 830 Sixteenth netka south of Wlnnetka avenue. in the EWvnston n it 1. Winnetka. district includes a few There will be 18 classes in show this year, eight of whîch are listedý in the specimen section and ten in the arrangement classification. Spécimen Section The eight classes under the speci- men section will be the following: Class I Fifteen to twenty,-iive varieties Class II Ten to fifteen 'varieties Class III Fivé to ten varieties Class IV Pompons and singles-one to targe lingqa; Seedlings: Open té everyone cclasses: one bloom oftly of werng varieties and seed- ýree blooms of pom~pons and singles. Arrangement Section ýlasses under the arrangement For Garden Clubs only - (combined with other material d) in urns Living-room arrangement- dahlias only Living-room. arrangement- dahlias combined with other __!?ning-room center-piece - ts Jast Mond second birti ay anniversary.'