-The Way They' ShoulidBe Itebulit A. KASPAR I 05 ýGtEENBAY. ROAD LPaIud li onO ~oeg~ Toloff 'Photographs should accompany 1he Young folks away frorn home Spedal PRates. Noie! Ma" an. a arly App.intsntnl J. D, TOLOF Plaotogawpher 518 Davis St.. Evans*mn. Uni. 2178 Iaura and A new Division of Gerreral Educa- tion has been added to the univer- sity.college to bring together ail the informai,. non-credit bearing' acivi- ties of the school. Under this divi- sion will be offered a* group of cul. tgrai background courses. and a readingÉ and counseling service for independent study. Indlcate Courses. Courses to be offered during the first year of the ntew division are "The History and. Enjoyrment of Mu- sic," "The. History and ýEnjoyment of the Theater," "ýThe Formation of Public Opinion." "The- World at W o r k,". "Sel.f-Exýpression Through Writing," and "The Drama in Con- temporary Life." Re ading programis for individual study will be available in the fields of personality development and ad- justmerIt, .contemprary litérat1bpe, contemporary p o i i t i c s, consum- er probiems, modern biography, and contemporary art. List Commerce Studies The School of Commerce has re- vised the material presented in itst 25 accounting courses. Courses will1 be offered i 23 departmens o! busi- ness to an expected total o! 7,800 students. Three short courses, pre- piaratory for the state Certified Pub- lie- Aei'onïntnt's exmifnao- t To Be Wed Sept. 16 During the past fortnight, fout showers have been given for Miss Esther Helamne Pinkowski, daughter of Mrs. Anna Pinkowski of 2012 Wil- 'mettê avenue, .whose,,marriage' to Thomnas Dasse, s on of -Mr.. and Mrs. Robert E. Dasse o! Chicago, takes place Satu rday inorning, Septem ber 16. Msg. John A. Neumann, wil read the wedding service at St. Joseph's church at 10 o'clock, and the weddmng receptioni will be held in the evening at the Sovereign hotel. The first, party honoring the bride- elect was a kitchen, shower given, by Mrs. H. K. Andersen o! Chicago and Miss Betty Jane Streniski of Chicago, aunt of the bride, and, one of hier attendants. A n: o t h exr bridesmaid, Miss Elizabeth Busscher of Wiimette, and ýher twin sister, Margaret,, were hostesses at a crystal shower, and another group, entertained by the bridegroom's sister, Margaret, pre- sented the bride-elect with an elec- tie roaster. Mrs. Emma Majewski of Evanston gave the most recent of the parties, a xiscelianous shower. Maid of Router Miss Irene Pinkowski, sister of the bride, will be lier maid of honor, and the four bridesmaids are Miss Dasse, Miss Strenski, Miss Elizabeth Buss- cher, and Miss Dorothy Topp of Ci- cago. Joseph Waldner, Jr.. o! Chicago, ist, 72-hole score of 319. In F~ebru- ary, she won the Miamii Biitmore Women's championship. Prominent in ber 1938 winnings were the Augusta, Ga., titilist, 72- hole score of 311; the Puntagorda tournamnent January 28;. the Miami BiltmoQre Women's. championship at Southern. Pine, North Carolina :and the Trans-Mississippi tournament in, Juiné. In' August she was Women' s Western Derby winner with. a record score for women of 308. The saine month, she won the Women's West- ern Closed tournament. In September. she was a member -of thé Women' s Curtiss-Cup team from -the United* States in the International tourna- ment in which the U.S.A. won. On, September 24 she won the Women's National championship. Shirley Ami Johnson On February 9 of this year, Shirley Ami Johnson went to the semi-finals in the Women's Palm Beach cham- pionship and in the samne month woin the Mid+Florida champlonship at Orlando. In April, she won the Phoenix, . Arizona, Southwestern Women's championship and in the foliowing month, won- the Memphis, Tenniessee, Invitational' tourna ment. ,On June 15, she-,went to the quarter finals in the Womnen's Open at St. Louis where she Iost to the eventual winner., HarrY Adamis Harry Adarns, pi of note; was ago- sectiorna FULL QUART 35c Double ftich Malfeds ond Shakes WII h Fresk Fruit Flavors Taxation "' 10 1e tauglit by K. Ray- mond Clark, -Chicago attorney., Arnong other innovations the Uni- versity coilege will sponsor two twelve-week lecture demonstrations, one each semester, on the critical- appreciation of motion pictures. These courses, given in Thorne Hallt will discuss the foreign motion pic.. ture in the fail semester and the docrnnntarv filmvyin4jthe nr i... * s and.utS bride plan to drive to the east eoast by way o! the Smoky mountains, for two weeks, making their home in Rogers Park upon their return. Christian ~Science Churches "Christ Jesus" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 9.7 . Tommy Armour, coming from Scotiand, mfade his first American, appearance in 1920 and seven years later won the United States Open. In 1930, he won the P. G. A. Open, in 1934 the Br itish Open; in 1927, 1930, and 1934ý, the.Canadian Open; and, in, 1929 the Western Open. In, the latter tournament, heshotý the lowest scor e ever recorded in a major tournament, 273 for 72 holes. Ini 1935 he won the Miami Open and in the same year was runner-up to Johnny ]Revolta in the P. G.A. J. ]Robert CoUl e and are now id, Va., where M di business.1 and Mrs. John« wood avenue. jTruth"(. 1- h f powi to r eive C. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thompson of ray, Ind., spent last Sunday visit- ig Mr. and Mms. Nick Heinzen o! 145 Glenview road. 1 135, to cic.