new Evanston location of the RNER INT 806-810 GROVE, ST. (Opp. Fire Saion-1l Block South of Fountamn Square) PRIVATE PARKING LOT FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ",The North Shore's Largest, and Fines t Paint and Wallpaper .Store"- 4 ~ .1 .4' *~< ' Exclustive North Shore Showing '4 I Among the citations which -corn- prised the Lesson-Serm-on was' the following from the Bible: "But now thug saith the Lord that, created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed, thee, 0 Isra el, Fear flot: for I have redeemed thee, I have called, thee by thy -namne; thoul art mine. I arn the Lord, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King. This people have I, formed for myseif;, they shal show forth' my praise" '(Isaiah,,43:1 15, 21). 1Rainey Bennett, the well known designer, mural painter, and water colorist, who has just returned from a trip by air to, Venezuela (where he has been working on an import- ant commission), will teach ,drawing this year. Mîss Helen Titman. will teach first' year design. Briggs Dyer,. who has been teaching land- scape painting in the summer school and giving lectures ini the free*-eun-ý day series in ý the museum., is now on, the, winter faculty teaching, litho- graphy in the evening school. The Lesson - Sermon a 1 s o in-_ The, School of, the. Art. Institute. cluded the folloWing pa ssages from through its expert faculty,, gives in the Christian, Science- textbook, its day and- evening classes a "Science and Health, with Key, to- the thorough training in the fine arts: Scriptures,"- by Mary Baker Eddy: drawing, painting, illustration, sculp- "Man is not matter; he îs. not made ture. and art educ.ation, and inl al up of brain, blood, bones, and- other branches of* industrial art'.includingý material elements. The >Scriptures,,industrial design, advertising and inform us t1gat maný is made in the printing design, poster work and al image and likeness of God. . . Man allied phases of art in industry. The is spiritual and perfect; and be- Kenneth Sawyer Goodman Memorial cause he is spiritual and perfect, he theatre gives complete courses in miit1t' be so understood -in Christian the drama. Science" (p. 475). The School of the Art Institute has - studios and shops .equipped with the, latest modemn apparatus for teach- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES ing. In order to take care of the "Substance" will be the subject at large attendance expected in. the the services in First Church of Goodman theatre this year a new Christ,' Scientist, in Wilmette Sun-, shop for painting scenery has been day morning, September 10. at Il built. The added space will also o'clock, held in the edifice at 1003 pro'>ide more lockers for the stu- Central avenue. Sunday school con- dents. and will giv,,e an extra rô venes at 9:45 o'clock. for rehearsals:.. Soin. T.I.phoie Numer ... GRE.aml.of 0505 IlIChartered and Supervised under the Uni ted States oenet 155 WiImeIte Avenue Telephom9 WIMeff. 1623 À. -À. . À À .À À . À À . À À . YOU CAN OWN A %///cLr HOME WITHOUR l4o~ PAYMENT PLAN!. .00,10e