IvAt varvt gV Lm ui NEW TOM -*EW COLOR coumNAuW 1...... ewes fi-. 6...iiM, stdy end prdd xes$h..Udy 1mw. Ibal'.wky 6.eyer eue" g Ads Mot hhlhy favoirad u féo. Two osiors ar n eddle v»1f h»w. Play eu -8 or .6ev mmu o6eho...;Us Ment for servian.Fresmntns ... students us.e hm for 1h.a.-woek ... y.v'I probably fAnd mona" ses infor h... h.rdy I.ushold çIds ...hoy're grand fer 1mon ini wii- mette harbor, ~4 two others hav- ' ing occurred this ' year, thi w a s the largest noted, In the history of the local harbor. the beginming of th 'e phenome- n o n dropped, five 'f ee tand then began a..24- . S. Vau Deee hour period 'of cycles oi djminishing intenslty., The alternate surgings of the water in and, out of the harbor mouth i the early stages o! the seiche b rought the water level first five fe et below and then an almost equal amount above the normal marks. The movernent o! the water back àtid '!Otfl Xoduced a eurrent 4hat reached at times a speed of 15 miles an hour. While potentially the damage to the boats moored in the harbor was very great, quick work .by those on the scene was credited witb saving the numerous small .craft. NEXT WEEK AT FIELD MUSEUM [Prom t h e world premiere of Verdi's great opera "Aida" i Cairo, Egypt, in 1872 to a performance of this same opera iChicago i1939 is a remarkable span of opera histo- ry to be encompassed i one per- sons' s'lite. Nearly 70 years ago, Mr. Ana- Carolyn Rihold ThuemmIer, who lives in Chicago, attendedthe pre- fiwere, performance o! "'Aida" 'i Cairo on ber 23rd birtbday as the' guest Of the Khedive., This week, Jason F.' Whitney, president o! the Chicago City Opera company,. visit- ed her home to hear th itere stig story' of. this event. 'and presented Mrs., ThuemmIer with box -tickets forý the performance o! "Aida" which the Chicago City Opera com- pany will present during its sea- son this witer., Mrs. Thuemmier, 90 years old noexplaine 'd to Mr. Whitney that sewas the slster-in-law o! Baron von ,Diebitsch, the 1irst a lihitect of eerlin, and one of the first of Europe at that time. Hie had built the pal- *aces of the Viceroy in Cairo and it was be who was called to Cairo by the Khedive when a new opera- house was comtemplated there. Hie drew the plans for tbe bouse, but died before the work was completed. Tbe opera bouse was opened at the Urne of the dedication of the Suez Canal, and the Khedive had planned to have a new opera tii Exbtra Upomy IJy. Inq Surface *Sturdi.r Lgs 0 Smooth Edgmi Wednesday, Septeniber ý20 - 3 p.m.- Gude-lecture tour, "-Asia-Its Pea- pies and Cultures." Thursday, Septernber 21 - 3 p.M.- Guide-lecture tour, a general syn- opsis of anthropological, botanical, geological, and zoological exhibits. Friday, September 22 - 3 p.m. - Guide-lecture tour, "The Moon and the Meteorites." Mrs. Thuemmier and ber party will sit hi Mr. Witney's box wbeni tbey attend tbe opera ibis year. Tbe 90 year old opera fan lives witb ber daugbter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. George E. Laubenheimer., Leave Today to Enter College Sophomore Year EVANSTON-SHOP THS NDST 'I flb ês Fn. M~yNiw PMku ýWJEDOLD.T'S ter St and a1 ug to: Wîlmi ayear: ILrDAws si