Cai GRÉeunleat 0700 tèdmy and let S. K. Joorida & C.. piek up alyour rugi and «rp«b i 1repoir and .*pofthu thoeotuhly mnd deihe te YOU r ne w home., THE BEAUTY.o(qovtHOME Cou Ce Greofly Ehaced by fhe .Use of Geniia Van Deusen Local. achtsmen aime regret-. tmng the trans fer of SUT fman Jo- seph. Etienne from the WUlmette coast gtLaTd station to a newv post at Sturgeon Bayv, Ws. Aid t. Chidren Everything, is,' in readiness for thé openingo! the show. Months of hard work by the wornien of the Sunbearn league have, been rewarded by the sale, of 150 boxes, and 3,000 grand- stand seats. This activity has been directed. by Mrs. Rithard J. Dean, with ail members of the league doing yeoman service in behaif of the bril- liant show and the worthy charitable efforts of the league. for underpriv-, ileged children in hospitals and other institutions.