specifications and did actually pre- sent the project to the local autho r- Mtes of Works. Progressý administra- tion in June, 1939. Future Plans Whtthe citizens of Wilmette are more interest ed in than history, how- ever, is the intention of. the bogrd withreeec to a future elemen-, tary .school iii ý KenilWorth Gardens. A year ago the board of educa- tion made, a bouse to bouse canvass and survey of. the child population in the village of Wilmette. That survey revealed the astonishing fact that there were actually fewer chil- dreni in the-village ofWilmette than there were: 10 years ago.. Although this survey contra -ind icated the ne- cessity of a new school building, the board felt justified in anticipating the future growth of the village, was offered through Works Progress administration to construct a school house at a saving to the community t>f approximately $100,000. Now that the possibility of effecting so large a saving is gone, the board is faced With the question of whether or flot the child population justifies the ex- penditure of more than twice what was originally contemplated and au- thorized by the election. In addition to the initial cost of the building, Dlo the lamps in' you r home pass. these tests? NO SIIADOWS if nt--youcan replace hemi with these Lovely New Lamps at Amazingly Low Prices! I