At a meeting, held in the homne of Mrs. Paul Keller,, (above) 613, Illinois road, Wilmnette, Frt*day.1 S eptepiber 15, plans. wer e com- pleted fora series of lectures on s.ex education. to be gîven bvy Mrs. Frances Bruce Strain i the Howard school . auditoriumi at 3 O'ciock on thie afternoons of Oc- tober. ,10, 23., nd30L.. Mrs. Strain, who was present at i the meeting, explained ' some of the nwpatterns irq sex education in the rnanner used in her radio broadcast over WLS, when she diseussed the adolescent chilci in relation to his home duties. The icommittee in charge of the sale of tickets for Mrs. Strain's lecture course includes Mrs. Keller, chairman, Mrs. Dorothy 01- dendorf, Miss Louise McKenzie, Miss Frances Férris, Mrs. ClifTord Ives, Mrs. Wlliamn Cloud, Mrs. Hiar- old Preston Smith, Mrs. _Gardnler Abbott, Mrs. John Balîman, Mrs. Henry Drucker, Mrs. C. H. Lipman, Mrs. E. N. Warner, Mrs. R. N. Tur- ner, Mrs. Herbert Jones, and Mrs. Floyd MeGrath. The, proceeds fromn the sale of the lecture tickets will bc used, by the Logan-Howard Par- ent-Teacher association in the con- *tinuance of projects for the current *school year. Mrs. Strain received the annual award from the Parents' magazine in 1935 for' writing ".Being Bornl" as itrnaiom a acVGaI.ton$ai . Ai*A, Minn., where they took a cabin. Mrs. McCarn and Davis were there three weekcs, Sarah spending part of that time with her grandmother iii Duiluth. Mr. McCarn was with his faiyfor a share ýof theý three weeks. CORISTIAN SCIENCE SE1 VICES,ý "Reality" wil .be the sUbject at the Services. in First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Wilmette Sun- i day morning. -Septemnber -24, at il1 o'clock. held 'in the edifice. at ý1003 [ Central avenue., Sunday school ýcon- t venes at, 9:45 o'clock. III" W e give your g.nn.m*s SPECIAL ATTENTION CLEANERS and::: DYERS Office and Plantý-906 inden Avenu.-Hubbard W",d Ail Phones Winnel'ko 2338 For the. Convenience of WiIméIie ami K.nilworth Patro-ns Cash anid Carry Ag.ncy -402 Green Bay Road Kenilworth AreY Wieboldt's-Evanston their "part-time" stai are in need of additional selling personnel, on à working. Thursdays and Saturdays.:If'Yo have retail selling experienoe and are interested, in