Ste!rling FOld.y fer Full W..& TOP COMEUNATUON 0F ALL TIME! Robeirt Dmat Greer Garson lu MR. CHIPS"O Extra-Sat. Matine: " '1ORECGON Thurs. - Fri. - Bat, and Sunday, mci. Iunfroductory Book Nlgbt: Offer American Standard ZNCYCLOPEDIA TM ruy rciut eauees Louis Hayworth Joan Bennett in "MAAN IN THE, MRON MASK'" TRAIL" Serlal COROMET Johnuy Wveisu=r. 61rlay-SAturIDa A SON" -"THE PlAs WHOI An iunusuall?, fine double feature combinati<rn will be, on hanci at the Varsity theater starting tomorrou,. «Goodbye, Mr-. Chips" isa -coupled with "The Man in the Iron Mask Inluthze former Robert Donat, pictured above with Linn Har-ding turns in a history-making perform- ance doing super-credit to an immortal stoi-t. C anaries' Musical Prowess Bet Basis in Parmount's J. Edgar Hoover se- ries, have also individually finished new books. McCoy's tome, a "pscho- logical study of a pathological kil.- Passage," on whether or not a ca- COLLECTS '<STILL8S' nary can actually Iearn and sing a Probably the largest individua melody. Howard said yes, Miss La.j oleton: of "stiil" photog<,raphs;.i mour said no and offered to wagerI the world is owned by Joe -E. BrowiM a dinner. co-starring with Martha Raye a, .Miss Lamour then purchased twO Paramount in -$1000 a Touchdown.' Caniaries and made a special record- He has preserved a complete set oi ing of "Moonlight and Shadows," the photographs in every picturt one of her biggest song hits. A re- he's ever made, thetotal number oi peating phonograph is placed in the poses today closely approaching th( roomn with the Canaries and it plays 100.000 maurk. Pýhones: Wilmnette or Whmuetka 3900 IM*Ollii Mois. 6: Bargn lu'ý Acres of Ptee Parking Space lu No Man's Land For p L "Double Wedding" Wiliam ]Powell myrna Loy, us Plus. ipolis '5.sanmb m f dwOY" *MeMo..110" mrien erian Shirley Temnple ýVa..