Mur. andMi rs. e.. Cx. 3.urrJuuIi, wAA have~ lived for over 45 yearà 'in the Near East. For the ý last 21 months, during which, this exhibit has'.been open, to the public free of. charge, many people. have been in,: and not ýon1y viewed the exhibit, but, have heord lectures, on the, Near Ea st and "the Holy Land. Aniongst the treasures-on ekhibit is an lthecentury Arab period rqom from a private pala 'ce in Damascus. completely furnished and the walls and celing* have, the appear- ance. of a tapestry, whereas. it is carved and decorated cyrpress wood, handsomeély colored. Included in the' niany beautiful articles, is a mosaic desk and table with hundreds of thousands of pieces of various col- ored* wnods and môther-of-pearl. This desk took ten years. to mnake. .Before this exhibit is removcd from Illinois, the publie, is invited to visit it in the studio of Ârab AÉts' and Crafts, 515 Dempster street, Evanston. I ntroeluce New Game For Radio Listeners Described by preview listeners as "radio's most sensational new nature snouldadaaress aul. corres- pondence to Cominanding General,, Sixth Corps Area, Post Office B~uild- ing, Chicago, 111. The practice of correspondlng direct with the Presi- dent, the Secretary of War,- or the Mar Department, Washington D. C., on military, matters tends not only t retard the -important duties o these officiais but' to delay prompt replies- to. interested citiÉens-, it is pomnted out. Anýnoune Exams for civil Service Poos The United States Civil Service commission h a s announced open competitive examina tions for the po- sitions , listed below. Applications must be on file with the commission at Wasrhington, D. C., nôt îater tftal <ictober 16. Statistician, $3,800 a year, aiso prin- cipal, $5,600 a year, senior, $4,600 a year,- aâsociate, $3,200 a year, assistant, ý2,600 a year, various optional Éubjects. College eucation and professional experience in techinicaî ftatistical work are requu'ed. Applicants for the assistant grade m-usuý Y. and , have fifty-third bit dance orchestra will provide the ie ci 'music for this novel presentation~ substitii 1pleteda which requires two masters of cere- have h, monies. That honor wiIl be shared technicz by Bob Elson and Jess Kirkpatrlk the tieli f or the The brain child of John H. F ar- passed well, Musico is a song title guess- associai ing game, played with special cards passed the oth which the sponsor, a Middle Western passed food chain, will distribute through its Ful local stores throughout WGN's cover- from t] age area. ServicE rAience<of a research in Applicants it not have lay, for the ;t flot have day, and for st not have iday. >e obtained U. S. Civil ers, at, the Frank Hlavacek Jr., of thelfiavacelc Floists, Wilmette, a. veteran îflç,r recently conveyed an expensive shipmüentt of delicate blooms to a conventiomnin St. PauL HIs cargo was $5,000 worth of orchids whîch were distributed to women attending the Florists Telegraph Delivery associa- tion.convention in that city.; The orchids had been sent from New York. Glamorous -new flower styles for 1940 will bloom romanieally on col- lars, wristlets,' gloves and bustles. Inspired by the révivals of Viictorian fashiQns, u otheimaa4*te arrange- ments of orchids, gardenias and roses will accentuate tiny wasp waists and give glamorous beauty-toi upswept curîs. This forecast of the new fiower fashions is made by Mr. Hlavacek who previewed international styles in fiower arrangements at the St. Paul convention, 6Celebrating thirty years of prog- ress in the fiorist industry the ii .U jwitwunbusiness of only a few thousand dollars, the F.T.D.A. last year handled nearly two million gifts of flowers by wire, an increase of 31 per cent over 1929. The nuniber of sales of fiowers by wire in the flrst seven rnonths of 1939, a dependable index of the sales of the $200,000,000 florist inçiustry, was up seven per cent over 1938, with a côrresponding increase ini employment." COW's Life Grand At .llawthorn Fari With industry modernizing equip- ment and property in quest of low eost production, the master farmer has taken the hint and streamlining has arrived out on the acres. Farm organization has become big busi- ness since the owfler found that ul- tra-modern machinery and methods pay. For a concise example take the dairy industry; for instance, Uaw- in temperature almost :10 degrees cooler than out-door shade. iJtopIan Hostelry Ini this--Utopian cattie hostelry are individual drinking fountains- and feed racks; well-bedded stalis.A mixture of, wood shavings and straw increases sanitation, mini- mizes odor. The barn is cleaned twice daily, udders washed before each milking, and men in white pre- s-ide over the milfmni machine. - -- -~ I ý il<ey Phipps of Wilmette ba» -in the 300 Mutual Bene- become affiliated with the agency. %ation.