scIIoo itor Ui.uJ7U. rneets aa pn JAw caes Mrs. H. G. Van Winkle, president, Fronmi the home of Fritz Wolff,, 2112 will preside. Kenilworth avenue, two ladies' Mrs. G. W. Gathercoal, prograrn watches, two sorority pins, a kodak and a box, conta-ining, $30 in dimes were- taken, along with table silver-1 ware for eight, less. the knives ("Thanhk you, we have knives..")' Oh, yes, the piece, de iresistance: bed sheets, 1% dozens; pillow cases. , S*..~**.dozens. ....At 2117, home of .H. Butzhorberg, '«"~ the checkup has not been completed, *so: no information is at hand as. to the loss. However, through. accident or goodWilI,, the. intruders Ieft thre gaudily colored -handkerchiefs. Po- lice received a report of this burg-, lary at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday. Pried Open Wlndow The darkened home of Fritz Stehi- ini at No. 2121 looked inviting * so, as in the other cases,' the burgiars ~pried open a i wtow. and. with a quantity of bed sheets and; pillow cases, in addition to other ef-! feets. They were evidently frighten- Rev. . B. Hubbard ed away before completing the col- chaiman wil prsen thepoplarlection of desired articles. charma, wll resnt he opuar Two nearby suburbs rèported speaker, the Rev. John B. Hubbard burgiaries Tuesday night, evidently of St. Mary's Episcopal church in committed by the 5ame persons. At Park. Ridge.1 one house, footprints of a man and Mr. Hubbard is a graduate of the awmnwr eti h oterh University of Michigan and holds aa mawe -ftithso ar.i mastr'sdegee fom rmctonthe only dlues the police -have on Theological Seminary. He has been which to work. f ht- ndvi-n t vuth in t hp ...I//ernzoon ant Street ?breiie .4$10. 95 (o $9.-95 JUNIOR AND MISS'.FORMALS /rom HôUjrs 9a.m. au rciays 'fil 7 p.m. $7.95 1161 WILMETTE AVENUE